20 APRIL 1974, Page 18


Double, double, oil and trouble, Is it but a North Sea Bubble?

Must we, more particularly, Pay.regard to Mr Varley? Or is it just a passing kick-up? Shall we shortly see a pick-up? Healey woo a Zurich gnome And proudly bring the bacon home? Lever, praising to the skies, Joys of private enterprise, Will he, proeliorum vindex, Build sky-high the FT Index? Or will it fall again until

Stockbrokers all are broker still?.

Christopher Hollis on, when he was having it off, while they were doing exactly as teacher said they should.

Progressive educationists have forgotten our origins, and what it is, therefore, that constitutes the essential difference between man and the other animals. Up-to-date evidence is continually being provided by a variety of scientific and other disciplines. This agrees, broadly, that about a million years ago our ancestors became aware of an abstract sense of right and wrong, began to cover their genitalia and to fear and worship God.

From that time of the élan vital, we rapidly dominated the rest of the animal kingdom at a rate which has no evolutionary parallel. We may safely deduce that the characteristics of morality, knowledge and the fear of God, were related causally to the covering of sexuality.

Freud described the way in which we all recapitulate this phylogeny, at about the age of three years, by repressing infantile sexuality. He called this the latency phase. Latency is unique to man. All other mammals become physically mature, and able to procreate, at about the time that they are fully equipped, mentally, to look after themselves and any progeny.

This was first revealed in the scriptures, many a thousand years ago, but we have been too blinded by scientific jargon to comprehend the succinct beauty of the allegory. Genesis tells us that "the eyes of both of them were opened . .. knowing good and evil . . . and they knew that they were naked . . . made themselves aprons," and all this was due to that very Freudian serpent. Then they "heard the voice" of the Lord God, and were afraid.

Man's mind, nowadays, takes much longer to mature than does his body. Latency inhibits unwanted sexuality and with it, all independent critical faculty which would prevent the child from absorbing more knowledge, skill and moral values.

It is during latency that the sexual urges are sublimated, while man develops insight and first identifies himself. He obtains respite from conscious sexuality and, usually, balances and compensates for, the ancient incestuous lusts. He thus, and only thus, experiences true love. His repressed libido gives origin to thoughts of heroic adventure and he plays games with a peculiar symbolic intensity. He thus develops aim and sense of purpose.

We may teach a young child to be an excellent, uninhibited sexualist, always at the top of his form and apparently happy, but we can only do this by disturbing the natural ripening of his latency. The free french-letter service wilt only add to our troubles.

Free condoms, as symbols of manhood, will become currency throughout the schools, being swopped by ever younger children for gob-stoppers and conkers, meanwhile insidiously orientating them all sexually and eroding the latency of them all.