20 AUGUST 1831, Page 11

mons, in punishment of the brawlers who had been thundering

so long in that famed chapel. The lightning was so vivid, and the rain so thick, that even Croker's wit was outshone and Sugden's oratory out.

pattered. The Opposition were very much scared, but the storm spared

them. It contented itself with tumbling down one of the pinnacles of the Abbey,—a not obscure omen of the fall of the hishoprick of Derry.

The lightning also struck the roof of a house in Barton Street, a cake- shop much frequented by the Westminster scholars. We did not hear of any farther damage in town. The same storm appears to have been very active at various places in the country. Futc.—z0u Tuesday morning about four o'clock, the Crown and Leek public-house, in Pelham Street, Spitalfields, was discovered to be on fire ; and the inmates had much difficulty in effecting their escape. The house has been kept only three weeks by a young man named Borebam. His wife was upon the leads for a considerable period before a ladder of suf- ficient length could be obtained to rescue her.

AFFRAY AT CAMBERWELL.—A female was found in the canal at Cam- berwell on Wednesday night, apparently drowned, and having several cuts on her head, and bruised in other parts. She ultimately recovered so far as to say that her husband had murdered her. The man was found sleeping in bed; and, by his account, the murdering was a blow from the recoil of a poker with which she was, in a fit of drunken in- sanity, demolishing the windows of their dwellinghouse. The female is still in a dangerous state, and the man remains in custody. RIVER Acctnesnr.—On Tuesday morning, a boy aged eighteen, belonging to the Minerva collier, lying off the Tower, while engaged in a barge, alongside the vessel, fell overboard, and immediately sunk ; he rose once, and was observed to draw his hand across his face, and in- stantly disappear again. The body was not found till three hours after- wards, having drifted about one hundred yards from the, spot where the vessel was moored, and become entangled with some chains attached to an anchor.

On Tuesday evening, Captain "White, of the schooner James, of Aber- deen, now lying at Hermitage Tier, fell overboard, and was drowned. His body was found next day entangled amongst the moorings of the vessels near to where the accident occurred.

LONDON BRIDGE.—A correspondent informs us, that a gentleman walked down the stairs of the new London Bridge, on the City side, on Sunday night, in consequence of missing the footpath, and was very severely injured.—Tines. [Was it from the fatigue of the descent or what? The King walked up the stairs without difficulty; what hindered the Times gentleman from walking down.] FATAL BOAT ACCIDENT.—OR the 18th ult., as a boat passed from Tot- tenish, in Skye, to Rasa, it was upset opposite Portree by a sudden and violent squall, and all (three) on board perished.—Scotsman. SUICIDES.—On Wednesday morning, a young man, named Bentley, late in the service of Messrs. Cox and Greenwood, was found hanging to the bed-post in his room in the Shades, Charing Cross' by a piece of small cord, quite dead.—On Tuesday evening, Lieutenant Gosling, resi- dent at Hammersmith, committed suicide by blowing out his brains with a pistol. His housekeeper found him with his head lying on a table and a pistol tightly grasped in one hand and another lying loaded by him. He was about thirty years of age, much addicted to drinking.—On Thursday evening, the body of Mr. S. Smith, who has for many years driven the Regulator coach between Leamington and Birmingham, was found lying on the ground in the village of Newbold Spinney, near the former place. On examination, it was found that the deceased had destroyed himself by discharging a horse pistol into his month.

On Monday morning, Ann Cairns, a servant in the family of Mr. Smith, a ship-chandler at Wrapping, drowned herself in the Thames near Wapping Stairs. She had been disappointed by a young man who had promised her marriage. On Monday, Mr. Brown, the landlord of the Three Cranes public. house, Hackney, was found hanging from the rail of his bed, quite dead.

At Marylebone Office, on Tuesday, a female, named Maclean was brought before the Magistrate by a policeman, who had prevented her drowning herself in the Regent's Canal, Regent's Park. She had twice before attempted self-destruction.

DUEL AT BOULOGNE.—Mr. Berkeley Bond, a sportsman well known in this country, was shot in a duel on Thursday, at Capicnre, near Bou- logne, by a Belgian officer, named Esse. The dispute regarded a bet at cards claimed by M. Ease. During the dispute, the lie was given by one party, and a blow from the other ; and honourable satisfaction was demanded and acceded to. The deceased was married ; and had; besides, a family of five children by a mistress, a sister to Miss Love. The duel is said to have been, as gentlemen call it, a perfectly fair one. SINGULAR DEATIL-011 Monday afternoon, a tradesman at Bow, named Baker, lost his life in a singular manner. He was subject to epileptic fits, and while conversing with his surgeon, he fell from his chair against a cupboard, and his head coming against one of the squares of glass, passed through it. The surgeon,..Mr. Wallace, instant' v re- moved him from this situation ; he continued dreadfully convulsed for about ten minutes, with the blood flowing most copiously from the left side of his head, when he expired. Mr. Wallace, on examining the part from which the blood had flowed, found a wound of about two inches in length and four in depth under the left ear, and not only the jugular vein but the carotid artery completely severed.

ANOTHER.—On the 29th of last months, a poor man left Waver- ton, near Wigton, where he had been attending a sale, for Grainger. houses, his residence; having gone into a field a short way, he fell by some mischance into a hedge gutter ; and from his position (being al- most doubled, his knees and chin touching each other), and being a little inebriated, he was unable to extricate himself. The free circulation of his blood was in some degree prevented, and in the coarse of the night his lower extremities became powerless, and in the morning he could not move himself in the least, nor call out for assistance. To the pangs of thirst and starvation were shortly added another torment—the flies settling in great numbers about his mouth and nostrils, whilst the ravens circled round him in expectation of their prey, and were with the greatest difficulty kept away by the feeble waving of one of his hands. Saturday passed in the same way. In the evening a shower of rain came, which somewhat relieved his thirst ; and in the course tif the next day he was found and conveyed home. He rallied a little, and wag enabled to give an account of Isis sufferings ; but after lingering in the most dreadful agonies for four days, expired on Thursday week.—Car- lisle Journal.

DEATH IN COLD WATER.—Two young lalies of the names of Bloom- field and Alderson, residing at Stamford Hill, died suddenly last Satur- day, in consequence of drinking water wlsen heated with dancing.

liveammonta.—On Tuesday morning, Mr. Thomas Pike, a respect- able stonemason, in Paddington Street, Marylebone, fell a victim to this most dreadful disease. Five months ago, he was bitten by a dog in the Regent's Park. The dog was immediately secured and killed, without its being ascertained whether it was in a rabid state or not. The wound was treated in the usual manner, and quickly healed, and no further no tice was taken of the occurrence. On Friday, Mr. Pike returned home, after spending the evening with some friends, and was taken suddenly ill. Medical assistance was called in, and it was discovered that he-la- boured under decided symptoms of hydrophobia. Mr. M'Intyre an& Mr. Baker, surgeons, accompanied by several professional friends, at- tended him, and used every endeavour to lessen his sufferings ; but, al- though all the usual remedies were resorted to, none of them had any beneficial effect.

NARROW ESCAPE.—On Monday last, Mr. Daniel Batt jun. of Good Easter, wheelright, fell upon a fork which he was using, when one of the prongs entered his side and came out near his breast. There are hopes of his surviving. DANGER OP Gurreownna.—A melancholy accident happened at Mr. Penson's seat near Greenhithe, Kent, on Friday last, in consequence of the footman having put a quantity of gunpowder into a warm oven to dry, and very thoughtlessly left it there. In the course of the morning, the cook went to light the oven ; when the powder instantly took fire, and the blast came full in her face, and set her clothes in a blaze. Her shrieks alarmed the family ; and one of the men-servants throwing his coat over her, to extinguish the flames, brought off the skim from her face and neck ; which, when removed, increased the horror of her appearance. She is burnt so terribly that it is thought she cannot recover. [If this careless scoundrel were put into the "warm overt to dry," he would only be adequately punished. We have long thought that accidents of so aggravated a character ought to be the subject of penal enactment. If gun and gunpowder accidents—and it might not be amiss to add apothecary cases, as oxalic acid and opium accidents— subjected the accident-mongers to six months at the tread-mill, their or,- curreuce would be wonderfully abridged.] ENGLISH CHOLERA:A soldier leas attacked by the disease in its severest form known in this country, on Friday morning, and expire& in the evening; but there was nothing in the case to connect it with the disorder now raging on the Continent. The deceased had been drinking two days, and slept out one night upon the ground.—Hult Advertiser.

A STRONGER. CASE STILL.—The cholera morlms has appeared in Exeter, and one case which occurred last week, has exhibited a most

aggravating termination. A young woman residing in South Street,

was seized with a violent spasmodic affection, to such a degree as left no doubt in the minds of the beholders of the dreadful character of the ma-

lady; a medical man was instantly sent for, but the first application was vain, as the practitioner was too ill to attend. A swift messenger was dispatched to a second doctor ; but alas ! he was absent. The imagi- nation in vain attempts to describe the alarm that instantly took possession of South Street. A quarantine was laid on the house into which the pestilence had entered, in hopes that it might be kept there ; and a third application for medical advice baying

proved successful, the hapless patient was visited by a competent judge, who pronounced her to be labouring under the cholera, and hastened to procure certain specifics ! The disease had assumed a formidable aspect, and it was evident that the invalid was sick, past all surgery; when, shocking to relate, in less than ten minutes after the departure of the doctor, she was delivered of a fine female child !—Woohner's Exeter Gazette.