20 AUGUST 1842, Page 13


Shut. Open. Bank Stock Thursday, Sept. lit .... Friday. Oct. 14th Three per Ceut Reduced Ditto ditto .... Thursday, Oct. 20 Three-and-a•halfper Cent Reduced Friday, Sept. 2 .... Friday, Oct. 21 Ditto. 1818 Ditto, „ 9 .... Tuesday, Oct. 18 Long Annuities Saturday, „ 3 .... Wednesday. Oct. 19 Annuities for Terms of Years Thursday, „ 8 Thursday. Oct. 20 Old South Sea Aunuilies Friday. .. 2 . • .. Wednesday, Oct. 19 The premium upon Exchequer Bills Las continued the same during the whole week.


The alarm occasioned by the outbreak in the manufacturing districts has in a great degree subsisted. Under its operation, the prices of the English Funds declined percent; the price of Consols for Money falling on Monday to 91b. The quotations rallied again to the point from which they receded; to fall again, however, on Wednesday afternoon, to 91b, upon the prevalence of a report that the Duke of SUTHERLAND'S residence at Trentham had been attacked, and that, in anticipation of a visit from the London Chartists, the guard at the Bank of England had been doubled. The market re- sumed its firmness on the Thursday morning; the price of Consols having reached 92. An improvement of h per cent occurred this morning, imme- diately on the commencement of business, and was maintained until two o'clock ; when the market gave way, owing to some speculative sales, and it leaves off at the price of yesterday. There have not been any extensive opera- tions during the week, and the bus'ness has been of the same general character as for some time past—viz, the public having been purchasing for money and the speculators selling for time. The books of the various Stocks the dividends upon which become due in October next, will close and reopen at the periods given below—

In the Foreign Market, the demand which we hare long noticed as occur- ring for Spanish Active Stock for the Dutch market, has at last produced its effect upon prices, and we have this week to notice an improvement of 1 per cent both in the Active and Three per Cent Stock. This is entirely the result of the purchases above alluded to, as the rise in question has occurred in the face of decline in prices at Paris and a continued depression at Madrid. It is supposed that during the last four or fire months the amount of Spanish Stock bought for export to Holland has been from 3,000,000/. to 5,000,000/. Many holders of Portuguese Regency Bonds have hitherto refused to convert them, under the decree of 2d November 1840, from a belief that the 6th article of the decree, which provides for the receipt of the Coupuns of the New Stock in pay- ment of the Custom-duties at Lisbon and Oporto, (at the exchange of 55 pence per milrea,) whenever any default shall occur in the regular payment of the said dividends in London had been framed with a view to establish eventually the practice of paying the dividends in Portugal instead of in England. An- other decree, explanatory of the one above referred to, has just been promul- gated, pledging the Portuguese Government to the punctual payment of its Dividends in London, and declaring that the clause No. 6 of the decree of 2d November was framed entirely with a view to the security of the Bondholder, and that the payment of the 'Dividends solely in Portugal was never contem- plated. The promulgation of this document has not produced any effect upon the Stock. With the improvement in the English Funds there has, as usual, occurred a better demand for South American and Mexican Bonds; but the transactions in them have been very unimportant. There has also been an improvement in the Northern European and Dutch Bonds, though the business has been so trifling as to be totally unworthy of notice. The advance noticed in our last report as having occurred in Birmingham Railway Shares has not been supported; these securities having fallen back nearly the whole extent of the late rise. There is a general indisposition to speculation in this description of shares, from the suspension of business at Liverpool and Manchester consequent upon the disturbed state of the neigh- b mrhood.


The prices of both English and Foreign Funds are the same no yesterday, and we have no transaction of importance to record. The following transac- tions have occurred in Railway Shares : Great Western, 88; Birmingham, 182; South-Western, 63b i; South-eastern, (New,) 61.. It will be seen that the Birmingham have recovered again, and are at the quotations of last week. Brighton are heavy, and are offered at 33*; but no business has occurred.


There have been sellers of Consols for Account at 91i ; but the prices has improved again, and closes at the morning's quotation, viz. 91i 92. The prices of the Foreign Funds are the same.

In addition to the morning's transactions, we have to notice the following bargains in Shares. Railways—Cheltenham and Great Western, 24; Great Western, 874 ; Ditto New, 62*; Brighton Loan Notes, 10-1 ; South-western, 62i; Manchester and Leeds, di ; Northern and Eastern. 381; South-eastern and Dover, 22. Banks—British North America, 34*; London Joint Stock,

Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per tents 204 82 1 3 Dutch 2} per Cents

52 I.

Mexican a per Cent: Coned. 241 Se Portuguese. Regency 5 perCts. ::131 4 Ditto New 5 per Cents 1841 271 8/ Ditto 3 per Cents Russian 5 per Ceuta 194 1144 20 1151 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 201 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 201 4 The quarterly average of the weekly iabilities and ass:ts extracted from last night's Gazette shows, as compared with the last, an incr-ase in the Circulati 13b ; Union of Australia, 30* i.

3 per Cent. Consols 911 2 Ditto for Account 911 2 3 per Cent Reduced 921 4 31 Per Cent Ditto 1001 101 New 31 per Cents 1001 4 Bank Stock • 1701 Exchequer Bills, 21d... prem 51 53 Ditto 24 do. 49 51

Italia Stock 250 1

ilnizilian 5 per Cents 65 6 Belgian Spar Cents 102 3 of 673,000/., in the Deposits of 554,0001., in the Securities of 812,0001., and in the Bullion of 678,0001. As compared with the return for the three months end- ing 21st May, there is an increase in the Circulation of 1,416,0001., accompanied by a corresponding increase in the Bullion, which has been augmented by 1,464,000/. As compared with the corresponding period of 1841, the present re- turn exhibits an increase of 1,724,000/. in the Circulation, and of 4,386,000L in the amount of Bullion. The present return is, however, greatly below the actual amount both of the Circulation and Bullion : the Circulation as now stated in 18,952,000/, and the Bullion, 8,496,0001.; whereas in the monthly average given on the 6th instant, these two items are stated as follows—Circulation, 19,908,0001.; Bullion, 8,883,000/. The Circulation is, therefore, 956,0001., and the Bullion 397,0001. in excess above the present return.