20 AUGUST 1842, Page 14


WE do not know whether this is Mr. Hoasmart's or Mr. BERKE- LEY'S month of office; but we would suggest to whichsoever of these two heroes may chance to be on duty, the necessity of over- hauling the Hampshire Telegraph for language disrespectful to the Queen. "The Royal George yacht," says that oracle of the Navy while announcing her Majesty's visit to Scotland, "was ordered on Tuesday to fit for the reception of her Majesty : she (of course the feminine personal pronoun cannot have the Royal George for its antecedent) was decked and scrubbed, and completely ready, yes- terday." The indecorum of representing the Queen as under-

going, or even needing to undergo, such preparations for a journey to Scotland, is surely ill calculated to inspire her Majesty's sub- jects with the awe and reverence they ought to feel for her. The quick apprehensions of the chivalrous gentlemen we have named will require no broader hint.