20 AUGUST 1910, Page 1


TN the United States there are reports that attempts are being made to heal the breach in the Republican Party by a surgical operation. According to one report, Mr. Taft will rid himself of those associates who are disliked by the Insurgents. This would mean. the disappearance of Mr. Ballinger, the Secretary of the Interior, who represents the policy of conser- vation, and of Mr. Aldrich. Mr. Cannon would also be kept deliberately out of the Speakership. According to other reports, Mr. Roosevelt is taking the side of the Insurgents against Mr. Taft. Such statements may be rejected. We do not believe for a moment that Mr. Roosevelt would dream of being dis- loyal to Mr. Taft. The only thing which is likely is that Mr. Roosevelt, recognising that the Insurgents desire several reasonable alterations in the Republican machinery, is helping to bring about an understanding. If he succeeds, the Republican Party would be enormously strengthened. That would not be disloyalty, but the greatest service he could render to Mr. Taft.