20 AUGUST 1965, Page 22


ACROSS 1. A novel piece of luck (8) 5. So fast? You must be dreaming!

(6) 9. Up came a trunk for the stan- dard (4-4) 10. Bear a utensil (6) 12. I wish a pound for the man from Zanzibar (7) 13. Almost take a dip at Liverpool?

(7) 14. Electrical fault likely to curtail showing of a film? (5-7) 17. Merlin's delightful tricks? (12) 22. Such art' is almost three-dimen- sional (7) 23. For beginners at Cowes, it might seem (7)

24. Thomas's age at high tide (6).

25. Suggestive, perhaps, of sweet memories (8) 26. How to give the windmill treat- ment? (6) 27. Sad trees are thus declared (8)


.1. Such is the force of the jet (6) 2. The rascal is an Indian (6) 3. Caledonian, losing a hundred, becomes something of an inebriate (7) 4. Betterment? (12) 6. Mr. Ekenhead, for one, must have been an excellent one (7) 7. Here began Mr. Polly (8) 8. It's impossible to do it to a French raincoatl (8) - II. Crest seen beyond the under- world-that's prudence (12) 15. Saws are so (8) 16. The position of Gareth disguised (8)

18. Waiting for the 'all clear'?-(7)

19. Like a foolish thing when the rain it raineth every day? (7) 20. The French exam makes the headlines (6) 21. I miss the details on returning and get thoroughly told off (6)

Solution next week


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