20 AUGUST 1977, Page 15


Sir: Soon, probably much sooner than we think, unless the free nations suddenly display much more determination, realism, belief in the superiority of freedom over serfdom, and unity of purpose and action than at present seems either likely or possible, we shall find ourselves citizens of the British People's Democratic Republic.

It would almost be worth it just to see the public's shocked disbelief as it discovered what crawled out of the woodwork. With a conjurer's sleight of hand, the Left brandishes its red-hot revolutionaries and its 'secret' entryists, while with the other hand It plants its best operatives just where we would never expect to find them, in the midst of 'the enemy', the capitalists, the financiers and the right7wing politicians.

I know it would not be much consolation, but I hope I survive being 'liberated' tong enough to find out if my guesses are right. E. E. Thomas Flushacre House, Narberth, Dyfed