20 DECEMBER 1930, Page 35


Special interest always attaches to the Annual Report of Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas) if only for the reason that it deals with the operations of one of our largest institutions conducting banking in so many parts of our Oversee Dominions. The Bank, as is well known, represents the fusion of several institutions formerly trading separately in Africa, Egypt and elsewhere, while it has now a very strong foothold in Canada. Froth the outset a conservative policy, blended with enterprise, has charac- terized its operations, for it must not be forgotten that with the name of " Barclays " behind it, representing one of the Big Five, a sound and liquid balance-sheet is the first essential. Therefore, the management has gone slow in the matter of dividends and that policy is now justified by the fact that although, in common with other institutions, profits have been somewhat affected by the world depression, the directors are able not only to maintainthe previous dividend but again to present a thoroughly liquid balance-sheet. During the year the deposits increased by over £1,500,000 to £62,690,000 and the cash and money at call at the date of the balance-sheet amounted to nearly 115,000,000.