20 DECEMBER 1946, Page 17

FAREWELL MADRAS SIR,— Replying to your recent remarks regarding this College,

its work, and affiliation with other educational bodies in India and elsewhere, whose status was questioned by Janus—we write to state for the information of your readers and others that this school of theological training has been recently reorganised as an independent body without affiliations with any other organisations in the Empire.

Its council, and staff of tutors, consist of graduates of London, Edin- burgh, Oxford, Cambridge, Rome, Leipzig, Oslo, etc., along with well- known ministers of religion of various denominations who are held ;n highest esteem and whose intellectual ability and integrity is fully estab- lished. Thus our work is international and inter-denominational among Protestants.

While this letter is no rejoinder to your articles, we nevertheless feel that it should be made clear, in the light of the above facts, that our work proceeds at a level which is recognised and fully appreciated in religious circles. We function as an incorporated body engaged in religious and educational work of an autonomous kind ; fully independent of all others and not related to any particular religious organisation of any kind what-

33 Longridge Road, London, S.W. 5. Principal. [This presumably means taking leave of " Bishop " Ryan and the mythical University of North Madras ; it seems prudent.—ED., Spectator.]