20 DECEMBER 1963, Page 27


By PHILIDOR No. 157 V. TIMONIN (Shachniaty, , 1962) BLACK (11 men)

WHITE (6 Mel)) WHITE 1O play and mate in two moves; solution nest week. Taken from The Probletnist for November (Sec. G. W. Chandler, 46 Worcester Road, Sutton, Surrey), a bi-monthly I can strongly recommend to any keen solvers. Solution to No. 156 (Elterman): R-Q 7, threat Q-13 4. 1 . . Q-K 4; 2 Kt-B 5.

1 . . . Q-Q 5; 2 Kt-Q. 6. 1 . . . Q-R 1 ch or Q-KB 7; 2 Kt-Q 8. I . . . B-B 7; 2 Q X B (R 1). 1 R-Q 5; 2 R-K 7. 1 . . . B-B 6; 2 Q-Q 3. Splendid key and fine self-block and interference play.

Last week I gave the fiftieth game—one of the most famous of the whole series—between De la Bourdonnais and Alexander MacDonnell. This

week I give the Russian grandmaster Korchnoi's win against the Austrian Robatsch in the Capablanea memorial tournament, Havana, 1963.

White. KoaciIN01; Black, ROBATSCI1; Opening, QUEEN'S GAMBIT.

1 P-Q 4 Kt-KB 3 2 P-011 4 P-K 3 3 Kt-KB 3 P-Q 4

4 H-Kt 5 P-KR 3

5 B X Kt QXB

6 Kt-I3 3 P-B 3 7 P-K 3 Kt-Q 2 8 13-Q 3 13-Kt 5 9 0-0 Q-K 2

10 R-11 1 0,0 11 P-QR 3 13-Q 3? The first mistake—a positional one. Black should pia% II .. . B X Kt; 12 R X 13, P X P; 13 B X P. P-K 4! freeing his game. Now he gets too cramped.

12 P-B 5 11-13 2 .

13 P-K 4! P X P 14 B X P P-K 47 The second mistake--a tactical one.

He thinks he can hit hack in the centre and thus avoid having his QB permanently hemmed in—but he is wrong. He has nothing better than Kt-B 3 followed by Kt-Q 4 with the

inferior game. .

15 P-Q5! - Kt X P

16 P X P R-Q 1..0r 16. . Kt x B; 17 Kt-0 5!, Q-Q 3; 18 P X P. B X P; 19 Kt X B and White wins the KP. 17 Kt-Q 5! Q-Q 3

18 Kt X II Q X Kt 19 R X Kt! RXQ

20 P X P!! . . . the climax of an astonishing combination which White almost certainly saw w hen he played his fifteenth move (perhaps earlier). 20. . R X R ch 21 K X R Q X P. 21 . . . B X P; 22 R X Q comes to much the same thing and 21 . . . Q X R; 22 P X R =-- 0. Q-13 5 ch; 23 K-K I, Q-B 8 ch; 24 K-K 2, Q X P ch; 25 Kt-Q 2 is hopeless for Black.

22 B X Q BX B

23 Kt X P . the upshot of this daring and complex combination is just to win a pawn—hut see with what consum- mate case White wins the resultant ending.

24 P-QKt 4 R-0 8 ch 25 K-K 2 R-QR 8 26 R-R 5 P-R 3 27 P-Kt 3 B-Kt 7. If he sits t:ght. White plays Kt-Q 3-B 5 winning RP 28 Kt-0 3 11-13 8 ch

29 K-Q 2- - 1

.3O R X P R-Kt 8 31 K-B 2 R-R 8 32 l'-Kt 5 13-K 7 33 P-Kt 6 Resigns. The KtP will cost the bishop.