20 FEBRUARY 1836, Page 12

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The number of applications for admission into the Reform Club increases every day. The second numba, of five hundred, will Le immediately filled. His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, -S e Ministers, and the leading men of all the Liberal parties, are at the head of it.—Courier.

Dr. Hampden has been appointed Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford.

We hope that Ministers have abandoned their intention of pro- moting Captain Sir Anthony Maitland, out of his turn, over the heads of several deserving officers of Liberal politics. Captain Maitland's principal claim on the favours of a Liberal Government, is his renegade zeal in the cause of Toryism. It is said that a batch of baronets is about to be made, including Colonel Henry Fairfax, Sir T. Brisbane, Sir Henry Bethune, Mr. R. W. Newman of Mamhead, Devonshire, Sir Frederick Roe, Mr. J. A. Carnac, Deputy Chairman of the East India Company, and the Reverend J. B. Mill.

The King has granted permission to Sir Andrew Leith Hay, K. H., M. P., to accept and wear the insignia of a Knight Commander of the Royal and distinguished Order of Charles the Third, conferred upon him by her Majesty the Queen of Spain.

The Carlow Inquiry Committee met yesterday morning; and after a short deliberation, with closed doors, as to the course that should be pursued, and whether the business should be conducted with open or closed doors, they came to a resolution that the room should not be open to any but Members of Parliament. They then adjourned until Mon- day week, in order to afford time to bring witnesses from Ireland.

The Dublin Morning Register says, that Mr. Banim obtained his pension of 150/. a year through the application of Mr. Shell to Sir John Hohhouse, and of Sir John to Lord Melbourne : Lords Mul- grave and Morpeth also interested themselves in Mr. Banim's behalf: Madame Lwtitia, the mother of Napoleon Bonaparte, died at Rome on the 2d instant. She was eighty-five years old.

M. Thiers has liberated Messrs. Bichat and Lionne, the editors of the Tribune, from the remainder of their long term of confinement.

A remarkably great number of wolves have made their appearance in Sweden, even in Stockholm itself, where one was lately found decal,' and partly eaten by its companions.