20 FEBRUARY 1836, Page 12



The Paris papers of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, arrived this morning. Late on Monday night, the Court of Peers sentenced Freseirr to the death of a parricide,—that is, to be conducted to the scaffold barefooted, his body covered with a shroud, and his bead and face with a black crape, and when on the scaffold to hear his sentence read over to him, before the axe does its work. PEPIN and MOREY were condemned to be guillotined in the usual way, rind BOIREAU to twenty years' imprisonment : Bescitea was acquitted. It is said that the King has remitted that part of Fir:scurs sentence which subjected hint to the peculiar punishment of a parricide. On receiving their sentence, Fieseni and MOREY were quite calm, but PEPIN was much agitated. The time and place of execution were objects of great curiosity to the Parisians, but were kept profoundly secret, to prevent the collection of a mob. The Ministerial arrangements have not been completed ; though lists of a Cabinet, with TIIIERS as President, have been inserted in papers usually well informed.