20 FEBRUARY 1836, Page 14


THE question of Poor-laws for Ireland has enabled Mr. O'CON- NELL to appear in a new character. The few remarks on this sub- ject which have fallen from him in Parliament, might have been uttered by Mr. GROTE or Mr. WARBURTON. He spoke like a "philosophical Reformer,"—that is, one who carefully studies the question in hand, and decides without feeling or prejudice, on reasonable grounds only. The Agitator, who, as be has declared, owes his "undue," his "dangerous power," to the sufferings of the People of Ireland, is become the advocate, not only of a Poor-law, but of Emigration. He admits, first, that the destitute must have a legal claim for relief; secondly, that it is impossible to find ens-

pleyment in Ireland for all the labouring population ; and thirdly, as a consequence, that recourse must be had to Enagraaon, unless the oli,ect be to confiscate the rent of Ireland for the support ol t ourers in idleness. But this is not his object. Though when he used to "rattle Repeal about the ears of the Whigs," he used also to talk of a tax of 75 per cent, on the rent of absentee land- bids, he now proposes to save the rent of Ireland by appending to the inevitable Poor-law a great measure of Emigration. Most- Neu. a Conservative, not in the hypocritical, but in the true sense of the word !—And what is it that he proposes to save ? The property of those, especiath, who would hunt him to destruction— of the Irish landlords. This, Lord STANLEY, is "generous enmity ;" this is the way to heap coals of Are on the head of your enemy.

We do not exaegarate the importance of Mr. O'Costattaa's speech in favour of Ftnigration for Ireland. Supported by him, the proposal of relief tor the destitute must take effect: opposed by him, the proposal of Emigration would be mere words. Sup- pose that he should write " a Letter to the People of Ireland," say- ing—" Take a Poor-law ; throw yourselves on the rate for support; fill the new workhouses, where, at all events, you must be better fed and lodged than in your cabins ; tax the Saxon absentees ; leave to them a nominal property in the land of which your ancestors were robbed by theirs, but swallow up the rent, do not emigrate, do not allow the Saxons to transport you; consume now and for ever all the corn and cattle which yourselves pro- duce ; aral so, besides serving yourselves for a time, gratifying your vengeance by beggaring the oppressors of dear ould Eye-

err-land -suppose that Murree:Le should address the seven millions in this strain, can it be doubted that be would impose on the rental of Ireland a tax of 50 or perhaps 100 per cent? He says, or rather does, (for so long as his " undue power" shall last, most of his words will be facts,) just the reverse of this. He points out that a Poor-law for Ireland, without Emigration, would not, in the long run, be of use to the poor ; and that, at.any rate, it would confiscate the property of the rich. But then, says he, let us permanently serve the poor, and save the property of the rich, by means of Emigration. Such Conservatism was too genuine to obtain a compliment from the Tory leaders : or were they too busy with the dirty RAPHAEL persecution, to notice the appearance of the Agitator in his new character of a peaceful benefactor?

Whence, however, we venture to ask of Mr. OVONNELL, are to come the funds for a large measure of Emigration ? This is a question in political economy. Will the Agitator leave it to be settled by Mr. SENIOR? or will he, having entered on a truly Conservative career, entitle himself to belong to that exclusive

Saxon Society which goes by the name of the Political Economy Club ? There is yet another place, hitherto exclusively filled by Saxons also, of which Mr. O'Costremee cannot but open the door for himself, if be should continue to employ his great talents in promoting measures of a truly Conservative character. He must know that if the time for Irish agitation is gone by, the time is come for distinguishing himself as a legislator and statesman of the really United Kingdom.