20 FEBRUARY 1875, Page 1

The recall of Sir B. Pine, Lieutenant-Governor of Natal, has

enabled Lord Carnarvon to send out an ad interim ad- ministrator, specially Charged to report on the many questions which now press for settlement in that colony. The relation between the natives and Europeans there is not satisfactory, the Government is a composite affair neither elected nor ap- pointed, the -finances want overhauling, and new arrangements are required for the more thorough defence of the border. The numbers of the colonists are so small that their judgment as regards native policy is sometimes affected by a not unnatural suspiciousness. Sir Garnet Wolseley, who has had an experience in the Dominion which will be of great use to him, has been selected for this task, and will, we trust, succeed both in placing the defences of the colony in a better position, and in convincing the colonists that if firmness is the first essential in the govern- ment of dark races, a disposition to do justice is the second. A savage tribe which can safely defy the Government will defy it, but so also will a tribe which can see no safety except in defi-. ance. With plenty of justice and a little light artillery, aaffirs can be controlled, like any other savage tribes.