20 FEBRUARY 1904, Page 2

The result of the Mid-Herts election, which was declared on

Saturday last, is the greatest electoral triumph yet achieved for Free-trade. The Free-trade candidate, Mr. Bamford Slack, won the seat by a majority of 132, whereas Mr. Vicary Gibbs, before Mr. Chamberlain broke up the Unionist party, carried the seat (in 1892) by what was equivalent to a Unionist majority of 2,424 votes. In other words, the throwing down of the Protectionist apple of discord has turned a Unionist majority of 2,424 into a minority of 132. The nature of the constituency makes the victory of Free-trade all the more astonishing. It was just the kind of suburban con- stituency which is always strongly inclined to Fair-trade. If Mid-Herts was not a safe Protectionist seat, it is difficult to say where one is to be found. After such a defeat for the tariff reformers anything seems possible, and we should not be surprised if even in South Birmingham the Free-traders should carry the day. We note that at Normanton it is stated that the Unionist candidate has " refused to sanction the appearance of the Tariff Reform League in the division." No doubt he is well advised ; but at Birmingham it will be impossible to banish the League, for Birmingham is its home, or at any rate its first home. It " riots and revels there "— " there lights its constant lamp, and waves its purple wing" —and could not be evicted by anything short of an earthquake.