20 FEBRUARY 1915, Page 2

The United States Government have sent Notes to both Britain

and Germany on the new German policy of sinking merchant ships. To Britain it is pointed out that, though the deceptive use of the American flag by British merchant- men in order to escape attack may be justifiable occasionally, serious consequences might result to American weasels and American citizens if the practice became habitual. The Note to Germany is very much stiffer. The American Govern- ment declare that the right claimed by Germany to destroy any merchant vessel entering the war zone without cer- tainly determining her character would be "so unprecedented in naval warfare " that they are "reluctant to believe" that it is really contemplated. If, however, Germany should persist, and American life and property should be destroyed, "the United States would be constrained to hold the German Government to a strict accountability." That is plain enough language, and we imagine that Germany cannot really misunderstand it.