20 FEBRUARY 1915, Page 2

We must not leave our chronicle of the war without

record. lug the very interesting fact that for the second time in its history the Victoria Cross has been more than once awarded to the same man. This doable hero is a doctor, Lieutenant A. Martin Leake, of the R.A.M.C. His first V.O. was obtained in the South African War in 1902. His second Cross, or rather bar, is awarded for rescuing while exposed to constant fire a large number of wounded who were lying close to the enemy's trenches in Flanders in the period between October 29th and November 8th, 1914. The only other instance of an officer or man winning the V.C. more than once was that of Sir Charles Gough. Sir Charles Gough had three bars to his Cross, thus showing that on no fewer than four occasions he deserved and won the reward. It may he mentioned that Lieutenant Martin Leake was in private practice at Ware in Hertfordshire up till lest September. Originally lie had been in the Imperial Yeomanry, and has never been a professional soldier.