20 FEBRUARY 1993, Page 30

Catholics after dark

Sir: I am currently at the start of a study of the Gunpowder Plot, that still controversial episode in which Catholic conspirators did (or did not) plan to blow up the House of Lords, King James and the royal family on 5 November 1605. I am also interested in the subsequent history of Guy Fawkes Day in this country as an indication of anti- Catholic feeling here. I would therefore be interested to hear memories of 'celebra- tions' which cast some light on this, or indeed accounts of any particularly bizarre or memorable 'celebrations'.

`And for tea today we've got to thank a Mrs Singh of Madras for this truly delightful shrimp cake . Does Fr Antony Sutch for example, who recently wrote chillingly in your columns about anti-`Romanist' experiences (`Gun- powder, treason and plot', 16 January), go out after dark on 5 November? And if so, what happens to him?

Antonia Fraser

52 Campden Hill Square, London W8