20 JANUARY 1844, Page 2

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A NOTHER quiet week has been varied by going back to Windsor Castle. The Queen and Prince Albert left Claremont, on Tuesday; the Princess Royal riding in the same carriage : the Prince of Wales and the suite followed in two other carriages.

Prince Albert erjoyed the sport of shooting, at Claremont, on Satur- day and Monday ; on Thursday, at Bagshot ; yesterday, in the Castle preserves.

Archdeacon Wilberforce went down to Claremont, to visit the Queen, on Saturday, and departed on Monday. Sir Robert and Lady Peel oined the circle at the Castle on Wednesday, the Duke and Dutchess of Buckingham on Thursday.

The Dutchess of Cambridge and the Princess Mary arrived at Kew, by w ay of Calais, Folkestone, and the South-eastern Railway, on Tuesday.

The Duke of Cambridge returned to town, from Burghley, the Marquis of Exeter's seat, on Monday, and visited the Dutchess of Gloucester ; dined with the Reverend Dr. Blomberg on Tuesday ; and repaired to Kew on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Duke and Dutchess visited the Dutchess of Gloucester.