20 JANUARY 1855, Page 4

fortigu out (Genial.

FRANCE.—Great success has attended the raising of the French loan without an appeal to the capitalists. The .Meniteur of Thursday an- nounced that the sum total of the subscriptions amounts to 2,175,000,000 francs: 177,000 persons took part in the loan. Algeria, Corsica, and the offers to subscribe of some of the departments during the last few days, are not comprised in this amount. The departments furnished 126,000 subscribers, the subscriptions of whom give a capital of 777,000,000 francs. At Paris there were 51,000 subscribers, with a capital of 1,398,000,000 francs. The foreign subscriptions are comprised. Eng- land provided a capital of 150,000,000 francs; and Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, &c., a similar amount.

The English subscriptions have been returned, as double the amount required had been subscribed.

The Imperial Guards departed from Paris for the Crimea on Thursday and Friday last week. Before their departure all the officers of the de- tachment dined with the Emperor and Empress. Each officer was pre- sented with a fur pelisse after dinner. As they were taking leave, the Emperor, "raising his voice," exclaimed—" Go! my thoughts will fol- low you into the distant country where you are going to combat for the cause of right and the honour of your country. I shall still be more with you while absent than when present."

THE Ciusize.—The intelligence from the camp extends by letter to the 1st instant, and by telegraph to the 10th. The chief item in the news is the arrival of Omar Pasha at the head-quarters of the Allied Generals, where he was on the 5th instant. The telegraph says that he "concerted measures with the French and English Commanders on the movements of the armies " ; and that "on the 6th he returned to Varna," there to direct immediate operations for landing the Turks in the Crimea. There had been heavy falls of snow : the wind blew from the North-east ; the thermometer was two degrees below zero but the sun shone brightly.

The military operations have been confined to the usual sorties on the part of the Russians; and another reconnoissance in the direction of the Tchernaya by the French cavalry, supported on their right by a detach- ment of the Highland Brigade. The French horse reached Tchorgoun, and burned the Cossack huts there, but spared the houses of the villagers. A French officer writes, that the enemy seemed well supplied with provi- sions. The exertions of the British to get up their guns and provisions were very great One letter from the French camp incidentally states that the railway had been begun ; but we have no more direct informa- tion of that fact.

The Russian army would appear to occupy cantonments to the North of the Tchernaya ; and according to some letters from Odessa, the troops suffer greatly, not only from the weather but from lack of supplies and that old defect in Russian arrangements the want of adequate medical comforts and attendance. To frustrate any design of the Turks at Eu2a- toria upon Perekop, the Odessa letters state that some battalions have been posted there, while a tolerably strong body of infantry and cavalry are stationed around Eupatoria itself. These statements must be taken for what they are worth ; but they seem to accord with what might be expected.

With respect to the condition of the troops, the state of Balaklava, and Kamiesch Bay, we have only the information published by the daily journals, and the soldiers' letters.

Effective Strength of the English Army.—Between November 1 and Dc- comber 20, no less than 10,600 English, 5600 French, and 4800 Turkish troops have been conveyed in British ships to the Crimea. It is a melan- choly fact that these reinforcements suffer more than the men of the accli- mated regiments, and that it must not be taken for granted that the soldiers sent out here form permanent additions to our army. Although the mor- tality among them is not very great, many of the draughts and of the newly- arrived regiments are so enfeebled by illness after their arrival that they must be taken off the effective strength of the regiments. In order to afford the public some idea of the extent to which sickness has prevailed, I may mention that the Ninth Regiment does not now muster 250 bayonets, and that the Brigade of Guards 113 not 1000 strong on parade. The draught of 150 men which went out to the Soots Flisiliers, under Lieutenant-Colonel de Bathe, the other day, is reduced to about 20 men at present. A short time ago, when this brigade furnished the meii for pickets in the Tchernaya valley, an order was sent to the Brigadier to strengthen the pickets which he had sent down. He was obliged to represent that when he had done io the forte of his brigade would be reduced to 30 men.—Ttases Correspondent, Ace- The Morning Post correspondent gives the following return of numbers on the lit January, es on the best authority." •

Sergeants 2,191 Drummers 656 Sank and file 38,085 Total 40,932

Of this number, there are at the present time sick and wounded—

Sergeants 565 Drummers 107 Rank and file 12,747 Total 13,419

Keen esc1 Bay.—The East shore of Kamiesch Bay now presents a very animated scene. The distance between the head-quarters of General Can- robert and the port of debarkation is between six and seven miles. An ex- cellent macadamized road, with a trench on one side, and drains running beneath at intervals, has been nearly completed the whole way ; and along this route may be seen constantly passing lines of mules carrying well- balanced packages of biscuit from Marseilles or Toulon, or other " vivres mili- taires," destined for the respective divisions of the army, and trains of wag- gons, "equipages militairea," also drawn by mules, bringing planks, chests, forage, and every description of army stores in the same direction. Up to the very end of the harbour itself, as far as depth for anchorage can be obtained, almost from its mouth, is densely packed a long line of merchant-vessels, ranged side by side in rows varying in depth according to the variations in shape and capacity of the bay, from eight or ten to five-and-twenty in num- ber in each row. Stretched across the wider part of the bay near its com- munication with the sea are several large line-of-battle ships, between which from time to time is sailing in or out some of the smaller merchant craft. Several large vessels are lying in Double Bay beyond ; and from the point of Cape Chersonese, with its white lighthouses along the coast towards Sebastopol, other war-steamers and ships are moving along, or lying at anchor. The new town is built, or rather encamped, towards the Southern end of the harbour ; the military stores, landing-places, and offices, being nearer to the seaboard. The principal street, the "Rue de Commerce," consists of two lines of booths and stalls of every imaginary shape and contrivance for answering the double object of protecting the articles from the weather and at the same time exposing samples with an inviting aspect to the gaze of the visitor. Masts, beams, rigging, and can- vass from the ships, have been the chief materials used in the construction of these shops and dwelling-places. Every house is numbered, and placards announce the name and place of connexion of its merchant proprietor, and the principal wares to be sold. Articles of clothing, preserved provisions, and groceries, are the staple commodities. Wines and French liquors are to be obtained, but generally of an inferior description; the better sort can only be purchased on board the vessels in the harbour. Among the shop- keepers are several French suttlers ; and the regimental "cantinieres," their trim military attire, may be seen busily following their active avoca- tions. Some of the shopkeepers are Maltese; there are a few Germans also. Some very large stores with stone walla, and others of considerable extent made of wood, are rapidly advancing toward completion. In a short time the Rue de Commerce will be put into the shade by its broader and more solid neighbour, which is stretching up the hill, and at right angles to it.

Great activity prevails at the military end of the port. Stores are being landed from the ships, and packed on the beach, or are being carried up by the troops into temporary storehouses and depots. Mules are coming down with empty pack-saddles, others are passing on their return to the camps laden with their respective burdens. Large piles of timber planking are stacked up, and there are heaps of grain and forage, casks and boxes of pro- visions. A number of Ottoman troops are encamped close by to assist in the labours of the port. These troops have made long lines of ground-huts for themselves, which appear sufficiently snug and warm.

Although Kamiesch Bay has not the same advantages as a harbour as are presented by the sheltered port of Balaklava, its shores, shelving very gradu- ally, and rising to an extensive plain, offer unlimited space for the landing of stores and erection of storehouses. None of the difficulty is therefore experienced which so much impedes the progress of disembarkation of stores and military materiel at Balaklava, where one narrow road for some distance forms the only available line of route for all the passengers and traffic passing in and out of that mountain-locked inlet.—Crimean Correspondent of the Daily News.

Balaklava.—I visited Balaklava this morning. Nothing can equal the confusion; the mass of consignments of warm clothing, blankets, hutting materials, stoves, charcoal, forage, barrels of beef and pork—all jumbled into one heterogeneous mass. A barrel of pork stands beside a bale of blankets here, and a stove beside hutting materials there, and so on. So rapid have been the arrivals, and so eager for disembarking, that the wharf and all around is like one vast storehouse, without fern; fashion, or order. From the huts which have arrived the Quartermaster-General has determined to erect a few at Kadakoi as a receiving-store, to ease the stores at Balaklava. The harbour is very small, and hence the confusion. The town does not af- ford a sufficiency of stowage for the immense mass of clothing, and the but- ting materials which arrive daily. As regards the former, as usual the roof- ing is on board one ship, the body of the hut on board another ; one vessel is here, the other God knows where. Boards and timber are being issued to regiments. Today each regiment has been authorized to draw 5000 feet of sheeting, 100 pieces of scantling, ;and 100 pieces of rafters. This is for the purpose of the hospitals in camp. Officers and men are allowed roofing, &c., for walls of huts which they may have built; but the question arises, how are they to get it up ? Only by carrying it up on their backs. Some bag- gage-horses have been landed lately, but still these are not sufficient. The general opinion is that we shall neither have hate nor anything else before the cold weather seta in, and that cannot be long. If we had conveyances up to the camp all would be well, and we should relieve the harbour very much.—Morning Post Correspondent, Jan. 1.

The Provisions.—A great cry is now made for want of fresh meat for the troops. Scurvy has made its appearance, and only about once or twice a month do the troops obtain fresh food. Sir Edmund Lyons said the other day that nothing was more easy than to procure cattle from the different ports along the Asiatic and European coasts of the Black Sea. Upon a ques- tion being put by Sir Edmund Lyons to Lord Raglan the other day, as to whether he was prepared to give sixpence or even a shilling per pound for meat, his Lordship answered, "Yea; even eighteen-pence, sooner than the men should want fresh meat." He added "that the country did not mind what they paid, providing they could give good and wholesome food to the troops." According to the system of our Commissariat, with the view to purchase cattle, it is necessary to send an officer of that department to col- lect, at a certain port, as many head of cattle as he possibly can, and then ship them to the Crimea. The French are quite different ; they send an officer, who proceeds in a small vessel to every creek and harbour, collects ten here, twenty there, and so on, and returns in half the time, besides in- Baring the troops a supply of fresh meat regularly. If our present system is followed, and the troops have so much salt meat, scurvy will do as much this winter as the cholera did last summer.—Morning Post Correspondent, Dec. 31.

The Naval Brigade.—When the Naval Brigade was first sent on shore there was much more sickness among them than in the army at that time ; now the reverse is the case. Out of 1130 men who are in front, there are scarcely ever more than half-a-dozen in hospital; they have got accustomed to that kind of life ; and, besides this, the diet of salt meat is nothing new to them. At first they ought to have got fresh provisions with the rest of the army, of whom they form a part at present; but lately they have sent up fresh provisions meat as well as vegetables, expressly for them.—Times Correspondent, Dec. 28.

Christmas .Day.—Well, here we are under canvass in the Crimea on Christmas Day ; and I hear the men saying to one another, " A merry Christmas to you." The weather alone would prevent any one from grumb- ling, were he ever so inclined. It is a hard frost ; but, from the total ab- sence of wind, i the day has been lovely, with a clear sky, and almost warm in the BUD. It now bright moonlight, and from all appearances seems set in fine. A greater contrast to yesterday could not be imagined. I never said " Thank God !" for a gooa dinner, with more gratitude than tonight ; the only drawback to the pleasure was knowing some of our men had not the same.--liorning Post Correspondent.

From a .Bombardier.—We have been in camp ever since we came out, and now we are building and cutting out stabling and huts to live in when cold weather seta in. We cut the huts out of the side of a very steep hill, and cover them over with branches of trees and turf. Some of the regiments have finished a great number of them, and, with good fires in them, they are stunning little houses. We have a fine fat bullock for Christmas; so, with that and a few bottles of brandy, we may have a merry Christmas in spite of

the Russian bears We quite expect a winter's campaign ; we are making every preparation for it. They have sent blankets, top-coats, and all sorts of clothing out from England ; so if we stick it out alt winter, we shall try the Russians what they are made of.—Dec. 21.

From a Sergeant of the Fiftieth.—I sin glad to say we are not forgotten by our Government, as we are now all nearly new clad ; but I assure you that before we got these last supplies of clothing half the regiments were in tatters : no one ever saw such miserable creatures in soldiers' clothes before, for trousers and everything were all sorts of patches, and many of the men had not had a clean shirt for a month. There is one thing we have been well supplied with—rations—until Christmas-Day, and then we got no meat. This is the third Christmas I have spent on the campaign, but neither of the others were like this. However, I come off the trenches in the morning, and make myself as comfortable as I can under the circumstances.

.et Contented Private.—Notwithstanding the severity of the weather, Lord Raglan has been out of doors daily, at different parts of the camp ; so much so that some of his aides-de-camp have remonstrated with him, saying he had better allow them to do the work for him. He has been known fre- quently to give a bard-worked private his own bread, and even to let some poor soldier have a good suck at his brandy bottle. The men venerate him, but rail against the Government for not giving him proper means to enable him to make them more comfortable.

From a Non-commissioned Cavalry Offleer.—Our horses have suffered very much on account of the late severe weather, and the want of forage while so far away from Balaklava. We could not get it up on account of the bad roads and loss of baggage animals. In five days the horses got four pounds of oats, and no forage or anything else; at the same time it was bit- terly cold and wet. Certainly they did not do much work, because they could not. After this they brought us down to Balaklava, where they got as much or more than they could eat. A few could not rally, but most of them are now picking up very much ; and they have also a set of clothing for the winter. The men have all had a good thick woollen Guernsey and one pair of socks served out, and are to have one pair of woollen drawers each, and I believe some high serviceable winter-boots—all at the expense of the Government. —Dec. 20.

Eam Dr. Agnew.—My. impressions, on the whole, are these. In the first place, the Commissariat as badly,. nay, wretchedly supplied with the means for carrying stores and provisions from Baliiklaya to the ,various camps ; all the horses, with the exception of the few supplied by the Artil- lery, being dead. The storehouses and many ships are full of creature com- forts, and the half-starving men cannot get them. How different is the French camp. From inquiries I have made on the spot from several of their officers, all was going on right; provisions were plenty, and their cattle looked fat and well, compared to ours. All this might be avoided, and the many transports now unemployed be used for the purpose. From all I have seen, it is a burning shame. [Dr. Agnew had paid one visit to the camp before writing this, namely on the 26th December.] From a Private of the Ninety-third.—We are certainly very thankful to the country for the flannels they have sent us, as we were very much in need of them—in fact, I was in rags. We are likewise thankful to the country for the great interest they are taking in us. I hops and trust in God, when this war is over, that it will be the means of securing everlasting peace to our generous and benevolent countrymen.

GERMANY.—No advance seems to have been made in the diplomatic proceedings at Vienna; • nor is the substance of the interpretations more certainly known now than it was last week. The lire= Zeitung, the Berlin Russian organ, denies the accuracy of the statements of M. do Saey in the Journal des Djbats, which we printed last week. It will be recollected that the French and British Ambassadors at Vienna were last week described as awaiting instructions from home. According to a telegraphic despatch from Vienna, dated Thursday morning, they had then "received powers enabling them to treat for peace with Russia."

According to the Wurtemberg Ifoniteur, in a note to Count Buol of the 5th instant, Baron Manteuffel, in declining to accede to the request, urges that Austria has nothing to fear while maintaining a defensive position, "the peace-loving disposition and the assurances of the Emperor of Russia being worthy of all confidence." He then reminds the Vienna Cabinet., that the treaty of 20th April 1854 was made in order to restore peace, and not to extend war, and also that it prescribed a community of action to the contracting powers. This part of the treaty, M. Manteuffel complains Austria has not observed ; but, by concluding with other powers treaties to which Prussia was not a party, has virtually Bet the treaty of April aside. M. Manteuffel adds, somewhat haughtily, that Prussia wants no thirty-six days' notice for mobilizing 100,000 men, seeing that its Government has unostentatiously taken its measures, and is ready to defend and assert the interests of the country "from whatever quarter they may be menaced."

TIMICEY.—A telegraphic despatch from Constantinople of the 10th, tells us that "at a great diplomatic dinner given by IL Bruck Austrian

Internuncio, M. Bruck gave as a toast, The Sultan and his brave army, who are the admiration of all Europe.' 'There,' the Internimcio ex- claimed, 'they have in every action defeated the Russians ; they have taught the Russian Court that they were able gloriously to defend the rights of Turkey against Muscovite ambition. Like the Western Powers, Austria was willing to fight for the rights of Turkey and of justice, what- ever might be the result.' And he stated in conclusion, with remarkable energy, that Russia was no longer to be feared—she must yield. The emotion of the guests was extreme ; and the Grand Vizier warmly thanked the laternuncio."

Russra.—Lieutenant-General Delm, the chief engineer of the Polish fortresses, Inspector-General of Engineers, and late Governor of Cron- stadt, and Lieutenant-General Plantin, Commander of the Grenadier Corps, arrived at Warsaw at the opening of the year.

The Journal of Commerce of St. Petersburg has recently endeavoured to administer comfort to its readers by proving that England will perish from hunger if peace be not established !

"The crop of corn," we are told, "has been insufficient throughout all the states of Europe ; and eight millions of quarters of wheat not being forth- coming, in consequence of its export being prohibited—a prohibition which appears to threaten the Prussian Government itself—no doubt can be enter- tained that England must sue for peace in order to obtain bread."

DENMASX.—The Liberal party, headed by Bishop Monrad, has brought in a bill of impeachment against the late Ministry. A petition from the diocese of Lalland Falster has been presented to the King, signed by 62 clergymen, 602 officials, and others, praying that Bishop Monrad may be reinstated in that see.

A letter from Stockholm, in the Oresund.spost, states that active mea- sures will be taken in both kingdoms, very early in the spring, to prepare for every contingency ; for which purpose 50,000 Swedes and 15,000 Norwegians will be mobilized. The training of' the recruits iste take place a month earlier than usual.

SAIIDINIA.—The retirement of General Dabormida from the Sardinian Cabinet, and the appointment of Coma Cavour to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was announced to the Parliament sitting at Turin on the 11th instant. Signor Valerie instantly asked for an explanation, to tran- quillire the public mind. Count Cavour replied, that the acts of the Go- vernment relating to that event, shortly to be laid before the House, would furnish the fitting occasion for an explanation. In the mean time, the correspondent of the Times at Turin supplies this explanation-

" When it was proposed to the Piedmontese Government by the Govern- ments of France and England that the former Power should join the Western alliance against the great disturber of the peace of Europe, there was at first hesitation on the part of the Piedmontese Cabinet, in consequence of the general dislike evinced by the couutry at large against any alliance of which Austria might form a part. That objection was soon overcome ; but still certain members of the Cabinet wished to make stipulations regarding the seques- tration of the property of Sardinian subjects by the Austrian Government, 'which both the Governments of France and England have always regarded as an arbitrary and unwarrantable proceeding ; and it was certainly not without difficulty that at length all but General Dabormida were persuaded that the present was not a fitting time to press that matter ; and, conse- quently, he !hand himself in each a minority that he could not do otherwise than resign. The King of Sardinia, in nominating 31. de Cavour as his successor, has given the best proof possible of his desire to enter heartily into this alliance ; and, as now composed, no Government could give its adhesion with more sincerity to the alliance of the 10th of April than that of Pied- mont. The treaty provisionally signed yesterday by the representatives of the three Powers stipulates for the furnishing of a contingent of 15,000 men by Piedmont, to be maintained at her own expense; but, if she should require a loan for the purpose, France and England will assist her by their guarantees in raising it ; and they will, in the first instance, advance money on reasonable terms for the transport of the contingent, &c., to the seat of war."

The same writer reports that the treaty was not popular with the pub- lic at the date of his letter, the 11th instant and that it aroused the dis- like of both the extreme republican and retrograde parties.

The debate on the Convent Bill began on the 9th ; Count de Revel leading the Opposition, and presenting a petition against the bill from the Bishops of Savoy and Piedmont. Buonearnpagni, the President of the Chamber, supported the bill; though he admitted that he did not think it sufficiently comprehensive. Ministers should have seized upon all ecclesiastical property, establishing therewith a special fund, and investing the value in the Treasury. Count Cavour, the brother of the Minister, opposed the bill; expressing a desire to see such liberty that every man in Piedmont might become a monk if he pleased. Signor Brofferio argued, that the property of the church is not the pro- perty of the clergy alone who only have the use of its revenues for the time being. He also thought the bill insufficient, but would support it as the best measure that could be had. Signor Deviry contended that the bill was a violation of the legal rights of the clergy, and that politically, it would entail constant disputes be- tween the temporal and spiritual power, and put an end to relations with Rome. The debate was continued on the 10th with great animation: Count Solar della Margherita denouncing it as " robbery, '—a term which excited the wrath of the Chamber,—and predicting wo to the country if it should agree to the bill."

Some statistics furnished by the report of the Committee appointed to examine the bill give an insight into the state of ecclesiastical property in Piedmont.

"There are seventy-one religious orders in the Sardinian States. Their property is estimated at 45,000,000 francs, with a revenue of 2,500,000 francs. The proposed bill abolishes all religious communities, except those whose object is to give instruction, education, or spiritual assistance to the poor. A pension, varying from 250 francs to 300 francs, is to be allowed to the members of the abolished institutions. The second portion of the bill refers to the Church property, which it is proposed to divide among the clergy in a manner more conformable to the wants of the clergy. This church property is estimated at 400,000,000 franca, as it possesses an annual reserve of more than 17,000,000 francs. In Piedmont there are seven arch- bishops and 34 bishops, with a revenue of 1,400,090 francs ; 41 chapters, with 860 canons,. attached to the bishoprics; 73 simple chapters, with 470 canons ; 1100 livings for the canons; 55 seminaries ; 4247 parishes, of which 2500 are assisted by Government money. While some of the higher eccle- siastics enjoy revenues of 120,000 francs per annum, there are poor curates whose annual stipend is under 800 frame (321.) 17p to last year the Sar- dinian Government assisted the poorer clergy with a subvention to the amount of 921,875 franca ;but the Chamber of Deputies had repeatedly pro- posed that this sum should be struck off the budget of the Finance Minister and put to the charge of the rich property of the Church. The revenue of the Archbishop of Turin alone exceeds the revenues of all the bishoprics of Belgium together, and the revenues of the seven archbishops and 34 bishops of Sardinia are nearly double those of the episcopal sees of France. The report dwells upon the fact that the Government does not propose to dem upon the church property, but simply to see it more fairly divided.', Sec.—The bases of the new Spanish Constitution were submitted to the Cortes on the 13th, by Seiler Olozaga. The principal provisiona:of this measure, as described, are the following— "All public wers emanate from the nation, in which the sovereignty essentially resides. The nation engages itself to maintain the Roman Ca- tholic Apostolic Religion and its Ministers; but no:Spaniard nor stranger can be annoyed on account of his religious opinions, provided he does not offend the religion of the State by external acts. Liberty of the press. Abolition of the law of confiscation and of the penalty of death for political offences. Establishment of a National Guard. Two Legislative bodies, a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies. The Senators, to be elected for life, are to be chosen from certain categories : they must have attained their twenty-fifth year, and be in the possession of anancome of 30,000 reels: 120 are to be ap- pointed at first. The King may not appoint more than twelve at the com- mencement of every session. There is to be one Deputy for every 50,000 inhabitants. The Cortes are to meet annually on the 1st of October. Each session is to last four months. No adjournment can be prolonged beyond thirty days. In case of dissolution, the Cortes are to reassemble within sixty days. In the interval between two sessions, a permanent Commission of the Cortes, consisting of four Senators and seven Deputies is to be established. The King sanctions and promulgates laws. The Cortes give their sanction to the marriage of the King, and appoint the Regency, in case the throne should become vacant. The Budget of the State shall be submitted to the Cortes in the first eight days after their meeting. The Cortes will fix the effective strength of the army, navy, hte."

17arrEe STATES.—The America arrived at Liverpool on Wednesday, with advices from New York to the 3d and Halifax to the 5th instant.

The *United States concluded a treaty of commerce and amity with the Republic of St. Domingo, involving the cession of Samana as a coaling station. But as the rights and privileges of Coloured citizens of St. Do- mingo in the *United States were not defined with sufficient clearness, the Dominican Legislature declined to ratify the treaty. The American Con- sul alleges that the agents of England and France, aided by the display of a menacing force, controlled the free action of the Republic ; and he protests against their conduct, as an encroachment on the sovereign rights of America!

INDIA AND CHINA.—The fortnightly mail from India arrived in Lon- don on Tuesday afternoon, with minces from Hongkong to the 27th November, from Calcutta to the 4th, and from Bombay to the 14th De- cember.

The Bombay intelligence reports that friendly relations are now esta- blished between Dost Mahomed and the Indian Government; that a Bri- tish envoy is to be sent to Cabul, and one of the Dost's sons to Calcutta. The Khan of Kokan would also appear to have been successful in his ap- plication for aid. He is to be allowed the use of such British drill-in- structors as may choose to volunteer, quitting the British service with the liberty of returning and resuming their rank at the end of :five years' service in Kokan.

The event at Calcutta was the arrival of the Burmese embassy on the 27th November. Major Phayre, the Pegu Commissioner, accompanied the envoy, who was received with great honours, and provided with ft suite of rooms in Government house. It is remarked that in order to enter the carriage which conveyed him thither, he was obliged to doff his golden hat, and that "this has been pointed out as an involuntary token of homage to British supremacy?' The telegraph from Calcutta re- ports at Bombay that the envoy had a public audience on the 11th; and that a great review and a ball were to be held and given in his honour.

Four regiments—the Eighty-third and Eightieth Foot, and the Tenth Hussars and Fourteenth Dragoons—were under orders to proceed from India to Turkey.

"Important changes," says the Bombay Times, "are expected to take place almost immediately in our Indian armies. The senior officers on be- coming entitled to off-reckonings are to be promoted and shelved, they are to be disabled from holding Auditor-Generalships and other appointments here- tofore intrusted to them. Lieutenant-Colonels of three years' standing are to be promoted to the rank of Colonels ; and 220 Majors-General, inoluding those now existing, are to be added to the army, each regiment having an officer of this rank at its head : at present a Colonel never sees the corps to which he belongs."

The Chinese papers report the failure of the British and American Ministers in an attempt to reach Pekin. They did not even arrive at Teentsin, which, it is said, they were instructed to obtain, if possible, as an European port.