20 JANUARY 1866, Page 2

The City has a municipality, and consequently contractors can- not

dictate to it quite as well as they can to the parishes. The The City has a municipality, and consequently contractors can- not dictate to it quite as well as they can to the parishes. The

firms which undertake to clean the.Gity left 101) streets uncleaned during the snowstorm, and have nonseepently •been fined. 2/. a street, or WO/. in all. The argument popeler with the scavengers is, we believe, that the work could nothing, been done, the mass of snow in London being too great. Verypostildt, but the mass of snow in Regent Street, Oxford Street, the Strand, and other great thoroughfares was not too great, and if they had been fined a hundred pounds for every hour's delay they would have found means seen enough. The talk about carts was talk only. If the snow could not have been removed it could have. hem banked up in the centre, with breaks at all crossings.