20 JANUARY 1956, Page 15


SIR,.—The hue and cry over the Government's lack oL touch and leadership will have done considerable good if it consolidates the minds of the Tories on the future of Toryism as a dynamic force capable of rousing an electorate tired . of colourless politics. One sometimes feels that Sir Anthony Eden's ideas stop short at a sort. of 'doctrinaire empiricism.'

But after their storms and divisions the Labour Party are emerging, if not with a policy, at least with a basic cry— 'egalitarianism,' This is to be the popular cure- alt to which the crusading fervour of Socialism is to be harnessed. It is easy to sneer and talk of impracticability, but it is also too easy to ignore its appeal, particularly when put over with the smug Wykehamistic touch of a Gaitskell.

Are the Conservative Party going to have the courage to expose the flaws instead of being mealy-mouthed about it? Will there be the guts to say that if this country is to prosper,

and if there is to be freedom to develop as individuals, inequality is inevitable—and right, and that redistribution of wealth has gone far enough, if not too far?

If there is an attack on the independent schools, as seems likely, will there be apologies and suggestions of compromise or will the war be carried into the enemy's camp with a spirited demonstration of the value and right of independence?

As is often said in your columns, it boils down to this—that, after world peace, the resolute and vicious tackling of inflation is the way to prove the virtues of the free economy, when such institutions as the public schools

will not be faced with financial distress, because the professional classes and others will not be faced with constantly rising prices.

Yet it is not only what is done that is important, but the way it is done, The cross- bench mind, Butskellism if you like, has a dangerous hold at the moment, which is healthy neither for Parliamentary democracy nor the Tory Party. More conflict about the fundamental issues of politics is needed. We look to Mr. Butler for a firm and courageous lead in the matter.—Yours faithfully,


7 Elmdale Gardens, Aspley, Nottingham