20 JULY 1844, Page 19


Tuesday, July 16.


Van Sandal' and Cumming, King Street, Cheapsitte, attoruies-S. and T. F. Here- ford, ironmongers—Jones mid Arthur, Castle Street. Leicester Square, copptistuiths- Bounden and Beaulaud. Bradford, wouIstaiders—Raawdeu and Tate, Inegley and Wilsdeu. Yorkshire, worsted-spiuuers— Welch and Cu. Mauchester. slurs of cotton warps— Wood uud Soon. Dalton. fancy-clutlemaitufacturets —Nat burton and Stanley, Leeds. dyers - Hemingway and Co. Cardiff. contractors ; as far as regard. Jame Hemingway—Reed aud Parke, Hunifou, cut riers—Smith and Devonshire, Noaltamp. ton. shoe-manufacturers - .1. and E. Stunt, Strand, buutmakers - Mack and Cu. King Street, St. Luke's, brewers—White and Skinner, Tavistack, brewers—Evans and Cattell,.Astuu. cunt factors—General Wood Cutting Company; as far as re:ends H. R. Hope—Hurley and Eyre, Liverpool. druggists-1N uudliam and Seagrim. Wtucheates, attoruies—Sparrow and Cu. Braintree, bankere; as far as regards G. Nuttidge junior — Darliugton and Middlesbrough Sail-cloth, Shoe Thread, and Patent Rope Company.


COMM. lieswall. Cheshite, blacksmith—Merton, otherwise Hay. Winchester Row. Paddington—Leuox, Liverpool, sail-maker—Firth. Leeds. clothier—Leach. Biel greengrocer—Groom Oxford, cabinet maker—Williams. Grove Road, Mire End Road. clera— Greeuwood, Halifax. dealer iu woollen flocks—Rushbrook. Rayleigh, Esser, veterinary sinew—Pompton, Woolwich, collar-maker--Brown. Br &doe. loneness —Riede", Li, erpuol, huutmaker—Cosyn. Redburu, collar-maker—lhtom■s, hair-dresser—Cherry. 113de. Cheshire, juiner—Ronsou. Manchester. butcher—Kurt% Manchester, out of business—Wagstaff, Lit erpool. cabinet-maker—Glesehr oh, Low Laue, Bermondsey, coach-maker—Sherwood, Carter Street, Walworth, tormerly4 stationer—Fuller, George- Street, Oxford Street, greengrocer—Rownsley, Hutt. osier- manz—Ituffe. Millbruuk. Bedfordshire, baker —d'ew'ed, Gestingthorpe, Essex. shoe- maker— lfevill, Cambridge. attorney -- Lamb, Globe Terrace, Cutnaferetal Road. deputy sea•cual seigher — Newman, Ealing. teacher—Massey, Kidderiniueser. tailor— Fancy, Bear Yard, Lincole s Ion Fields, victualler—Friend, Cautesteiry. cattiest,- maker—KuightS, John Street, Edgeware Road, butcher —Fellingham. &we Edwara

Street, Blackfrisrs, clerk-Chubb, Bristol, accountant-Shaw. Gatcombe, Gloucester- shire, shipwright-Smith. Bowling Green Buildings, New Road, shopman -Burgess junior, Suethwold, Suffolk, bootmaker -Samuel. Rtekmanssorth, baker-Cherrimau. Wells Street, Oxford Street, dentist-Woudruffe, Bury St. Edmund's, out of employ- ment-Lee, Halifax, innkeeper-Twyeden. Maidstone-Bainbridge junior, Fenchurch Street. bootmaker-Mercer, Hursemouger Lase, carpenter-Burgess, Acle, Norfolk, out of business.


Nazis, J., Whorltou. Durham, innkeeper, July 15,


SWIFT, E.. Chingford Mills, Essex, miller.


BANISTER, ROBIRT. Portsea, draper, to surrender July 22, Aug. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; 1.fficial assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury.

Goenosr, Thome Loaam. Exeter. cubist maker. July 30, Aug. 20 : solicitors, Cluwes and Westlake, Temple; Mr. Laidmau, Exeter; official assiguee, Mr. Herter', Exeter.

GREEN, TOTE WALTER Leeds. bookseller, July 29. Aug. lb : solicitors, Messrs. Dyne- ley and Co. Bedford Row ; Shepherd and Simpson, Beverley; Mr. Hurls, Leeds; official assiguee, Mr. Young, Leeds.

Ilaumeen. Samuel. junior. Upminster, Essex. gardener. July 23, Aug. 20: solicitor, Mr. Davidson, Bread Street; official assignee. Mr. Alsager, Birchin Line.

KASNER, lizsever, Old Catendiels Street, jeweller. July 29, Aug. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes and Laue. Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane. LoRAIN IL, JOHN Lammers, Newcastle upon Tyne, wine-merchant. July 24. Aug. 27: solicitors. Messrs. Clayton and Cookson. Lincoln's Inn ; Messrs. Claytoos and Dunn, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assiguee. Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon Tyne. PEARCE, THOMAS. Bermondsey Street. tripeman. July 29, Aug. 27 : sods:Burs, Messrs. Ililleary and Co. Feuelturch Street ; official assignee, Mr Groom, Abchurch Laue. SMITH, WILLIAM Ilterrox. Sudbury, surgeon. July 26, Aug. 30 : solicitor, Mr. Mars- ton, Torrington Squure; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. SYLVESTER. EDMUND, Agars Field, St. l'ancras Road, contractor, July 24, Aug. 28: solicitors. Messrs. Collies and Rigley, Bridge Street, Blackfriers ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. 0:d Jewry. Wn.u.sus. DIARY. Farringdon, grocer, July 25, Aug. 24: solicitors, White and Co. Bedford Row; Messrs. Crossly and Cu. Farringdun ; official assiguee, Mr. Follett. Sambrook Court, Basingha I Street.

IS'imazsts. Wiraaeu HENRY, Martuck, Somersetshire, linendraper, July 25, Aug. 20: solicitor. Mr. Stedman, Ablermatibury ,• official assiguee, Mr. Hernaman, Exeter.

WILSON. JAMEs Gauntry. Wharf Road. City Road, engineer, July 25, Aug. 28: solici- tor, Mr. Nies, Copthall Court; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.


Aug. 6, Cowing. Lowestoft grocer-Aug. 9. Park, Charles Street. Commercial Road. cowkeeper-Aug. 9 Eltiott, Caxton. Cambridgeshire, innkeeper-Aug. 8. Smith junior, Lime Street-Aug. 7. Moore, King William Street. Loudon Bridge, woolleudraper- Aug. 7 Saudomun and Graham, John Street, America Square, merchants - Aug. 8, Sly, Bonverie Street. engraver-Aug. 8, Sparliam, Freston. Suffolk, miller -Aug. 7, /Hog, Kingston-opeu•Hull. mercer -Aug. 9, Bagshaw, Buxton, innkeeper-Aug. 9, Carr. Sunderlaud, merchant-Aug. 9. Tayl,m, Middlesbrough, coat-litter-Aug. 14, Stone. Birmingham. prissier-Aug. 14, J. and H. Arnold, Derby, cheesefacturs.


To be granted, unless eause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting. Aug. 8. Lancelield, Augustus Square, Regent's Park. builder-Aug. 8, Pledge, Vauxhall Street, bricklayer-Aug. 8, Elliott, Caxton. Cambridgeshire, innkeeper- Aug. 7. Knight, St. James's Walk, C:erkeusvell. printer-Aug. 6, Johnson. Malden, corn-dealer-Aug. 8, Ilopkius, Stapletou. Gloucestershire, miller - Aug. 8, Rieke, Rotherhithe. iron rivet-manufacturer-Aug. 9, A. and W. Nicholls Halifax, worsted- spinners-Aug. 8, Porter, lioniton, victualler-Aug. 14. .1. and H. Arnold, Derby, cheesefaclors-Aug. 14. Gould, Sheen, Staffordshire, cheeaefactor-Aug. 17, Beech, Newcas: le-under- Lyme, grocer. 7u be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, Olt or before Aug. 6.

Spencer, Halsted, tanner-Little, Liverpool. stay-manufacturer-K. H. Knight, Chichester. victualler- Bestow and Co. Birmingham, brewers-Lewis, Mold, Flint- shire, wine-merchant-Puvey, Ashton-under-Line, grocer-Gibson, Killen, grocer.


Gorton junior, St. Peter's Chambers. Cornhill, merchant ; first div. of 5s. 6d. July 17, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-S. and W. T. Clough. Ecdestou, alkali-manufacturers: second die. of Id. and 15-16ths of a peony. July 25, or any subsequent Thursday; Mr. Cazeuove, Liverpool- Rubsou. Shotley Bridge, Durham. miller ; first div. of 5s. 3d. on new proofs, July 20, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne - Hodgson, Sunderland, tea-dealer ; second div. of 2s. 6d. (iu addition to 6a. previously declared) July 20, or any subse- quent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upou-Tyne-Barraclough, Bradford. Yorkshire, timber-merchant ; first div. of 5s. any Thursday; Mr. Freeman, Leeds-J. T. and %V. Bradley, Leeds, ironmongers ; final div. of 2s. 8d. any day after July 22; Mr. Young, Leeds-Sa allow and Co. Halifax. corn- millers •, final eiv. of 71d. any day after July 22; Mr. Young, Leeds-Gibson, Kirtun, Lincolushire, grocer; first and final div. of 2s. 9d. any day after July 22; Mr. Young. Leeds- Breasley, Leeds. victualler; second and thud div. of 4s. 31d. any day after July 22; Mr. Young. Leeds-Pope. Bristol, copper manufacturer; fifth div. of is. July 17. or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Acramau, Bristol-Hellewell, Salford, dyer; first die, of 2s. Id. July 23, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester.


F1MIISTER, W., Glasgow, mason, July 23, Aug. 13.

Friday, July 19.


Burton and Sons, Altlersgate Street, builders • as far as regards J. Burton-Light- weed and 1 as ne, farmers-Toulmin and Jones, Clapham Road, livery stable -keepers- Stevenson and Ilickiubotham. Leicester. lineudrapers-Cr..wther and 0.droyd, Bustall, yarn.manufacturers-Harris and Sons. Liverpool, flour-dealers-Thompson and Web- ster, Blackburn, tea dealers-Elliott and Co. Great St. Heleu's, mercha is-C. and G. Gotts, Boughton Malherbe, Kent, farmers-Nicholls and Gough, Chester, tobacco. manufacturers- Dawes and Higgins. Coruhill, manufacturers of optical iustruments - Child and Marks, Strand, gunmakers-Loyd and Co. Manchester, calico printers- Steward and Daniel, Southall Park, Middlesex. surgeons-D. and IL Davies, Asylum Road. Old Kent Road, contractors-Hull and Lewis, St. Swithin's Lane, wine-mer- chanta-Mershall and Goldsmith. Nottingham. lace dressers-Trowbridge and Griffin, Weymouth, surgeons- Hay and Co. Newington Butts. seedsmen-Barker and Cu. Liverpool, tea•dealers-Casson and Co. Great St. Thomas Apostle, book-marblers- Jeens and Norris. Uley, Gloucestershire, maltsters-Francis and Sons, Mark Lane - J . and S. Thornley, Livespool, bakers-J. and J. Cottrell, High Street, Kensington. tallow-chandlers-Huxley and Buckley, Newport, Shropshire, chemists-Baty and Gibson, Liverpool, wine merchants--Nevill and Co Loudon-Sturm and Co. Old Jewry, commission-merchants-Wynn and Co. Birmingham. tool-makers.


Dallman, Newman Street, tailor-Mouzoomdar, Bristol, out of business-Dann. West Hackney, agent- Causdell, Mount Terrace. Whitechapel. assistant to a stationer --Showoff, Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire. publican -Sperring, Old Down, Somersetshire, blacksmith-Wilson. York, wheelwright -Bun ney, Anchor Street, Bethnal Green, silk- dealer-Morriss, Highgate. tiuman-Formby, Sepliton, Lancashire, wheelwright- Word, Newgate Market. salesman-Judd, Richmond Cottage. Kensall New Town. bricklayer-Watsou, Brudendt Place, Shoreditch, hosier-Capon. Farringdou Street, wire-drawer- Greco, Seiner. Suffolk, wire-drawer-Bennett, Swansea. cabiuelmaker - Kersey. Ipswich. cabinetmaker-Smith. Sudbury. saddler-Stettleug. Bury St. Ed- mund's, painter-Satrhili, Gould's Greets, near Hillingdon. farmer-Willoughby, St. Alban's. plumber-Fearn, Lyons Inn, clerk-Pyle. Great Yarmouth, out of business- Clark, Elder Street, Nortonfolgate, trimmiug-manufacturer-Perkins Viue Street, Hatton Garden, broker-ht•Cabe, Liverpool, provision dealer.


CARILUTHIRS, Jews, Blackburn, linenslraper. to surrender Aug. 2. 29: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple ; and Wilding and Fisher, Blackburn; offiaial assig- nee, Mr. Stauway, Manchester. COPE, CHARLES. Edgbastun, Warwickshire, wine-merchant, Aug.3,Sept. 3: solici- tors, Mr. Reece, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittlestoo, Birmingham. HARVEY, THOMAS. Waudsworth, innkeeper, July 29, Aug 28 : solicitor, Mr. Bird, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Mr. Groom. Abchurch Lane. Burma. BENJAMIN asearsusr, Liverpool. merchant. Aug. 2, 28 : solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Littledale and Bardswell, Liverpool ; official assignee. Mr. Turner, Liverpool. Serra, and T7rtroao. HENRY, King Street. Snowbill, engravers. July 25, Avg. 31 : solicitor, Mr. Jenkinson, Cannon Street ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Ba- tting-hall Street. Turns. WIILIAM, Wilds Rents, Bermondsey, tanner, July 25. Aug 31: solicitor, Mr. Cooke, Half Moon Street ; official asaigme, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.


Aug. 10, Arnett, Oxford, baker-Aug. 10. W. and I. Dunnage, Tooley Street, plumbers-Aug. 10, Ulyatt, Crosland, Lincolnshire, cattle-dealer-Aug. 14, Pearsall. Anderton, boiler-maker - Aug. 15, Fozzard, Saddleworth, dyer.


To be granted, sinless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Aug. 9, Smith. Strand. printer-Aug. 12, Clark, Abiugdou, draper-Aug. 12, Smith, Warwick, wine-merchant.

Ti' be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Aug 9.

Reeve. Liverpool. fruiterer-Brothers, Newcastle-under Lyme, currier- Andrews and Twining, Peckham, brewers-Arrowamith, Burnley, mercer-Mansell, Alfred Street, Bedford Square, bill-broker-Slack, Manchester, filtering -machine-manufac- turer-Goertz, New Windsor, upholsterer.


Cowen, Penrith, draper; first div. of 12s. 6d. ou July 31, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne- Peuny, Cockermouth, shaper; first div. of ls. 10d. on July 31. or any subsequeut Wednesday; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon- Tyne-Bohn, King William Street. bookseller; first div. of tr. 6d. on July 24, and two following Wednesday's; Mr. Groom. Air-church Laue-Clarke, Baubury, linen- draper ; div. on new proofs. of Is. 21d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street


CAMPBELL. D., Nairn, merchant. July 22, Aug. 22. WILSON, D , Ediuburgli, spirit- merchant, July 25. Aug. 22.