20 JULY 1850, Page 11



The fluctuations of the English Funds have been of the same character as those noticed last week, and nearly within the same limits. The closing quotations of this afternoon are not quite so good as those of yesterday; Consols for Money. (which had reached 97) closing at 961 k—for the August Account (which had reached 971) at 961 97. Money is still abundant, and there is no change in the rate of discount. In the Foreign Market, the business has been unimiaprtant. The last pay- ment upon the Scrip of the Russian Four-and-a- 1 per Cent Loan took place on Monday, and all dealings in this security are now in the paid-up &a*: the price has ranged from 96 to 961 ex-dividend for July, which is equivalent to a premium of 51 to 51 upon the Scrip. The Northern Euro- pean are all in limited demand at the quotations of lee week. The South American Securities are without material change or large transactions. Mexican Benda declined about per cent, and the market was heavy for a day or two : but the receipt of nearly 45,000 dollars by the Thames West Indian mail-steamer' on account of the dividends, has given an upward im- pulse to prices, and today. quotations of last week have been reestablished. The transactions in Spanish Stock have been: unimportant, and the quota- tions of both varieties are without change. The Railway Share Market is heavy. With the exception of the North- western, scarcely any of the prices quoted last week could now be realized. The decline is not considerable; ranging from 1/. to 2/. for the larger class, and from 2s. 6d. to 108. for the minor varieties. This downward movement is connected with a belief that the dividends for the half-year just ended will not exceed those last paid. This is the most unfavourable portion of the year ; the larger amount of receipts is invariably realized in the six months ending in December. There IS, however, so little disposition for speculation in Railways at present, that if dividends generally should fall much below the tariff of the last half-year, we must expect a general decline in prices.

8Arratnav Twzr..vx o'Cincx.

There is no change or business of importance occurring eithei in the Eng- lish or Foreign Funds, all of which are nominally at the quotations of yes- terday. The only circumstance worthy remark in the itt ilway Share Mar- ket is a disposition to sell Midland Stock, induced by the proceedings of the specialmieeting held yesterday upon the subject of the Fifty-pound Shares ; the original Stock of the Company being freely offered at W--the closing price of yesterday ; we cannot, however, hear of any actual bargain having occurred.

SavormAir Two o'CLoca.

The English Funds close at a decline of nearly 4 per cent, the closing quo- teflon of Consols for Money being 961 and for Account 961. The transactions the morning have, however, been quite insigaificaat.'" The same remark applies to the Foreign Market; where the following are the only bargains re- ,irded—Brazilian, 92; Equador, 4 24; Mexican, 30 291; Peruvian, 811 1; Ditto Deferred, 35/ 5; Ruena' n Four-and-a-half per Cents, 96 1; Spanish Three per Cents,376; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 92; Dutch Two- and-a-half per Cents, 571; Ditto Four per Cents, 8819. Mining Shares- Oobre Copper, 361 ; United Mexican, 61.. Joint Stock Banks—Colonial, 71; London Joint Stock, 171. . The Railway Share Market is heavier, as will be seen from the following record of business transacted, where almost every bargain marks a depression —Bristol and Exeter, 64; Caledonian, 7/ 6/ ; Ditto New 10/. 'Preference, 5; Eastern Counties, 61 ; East Lancashire, 61 ; Great Western, 561 654 ; Lancashire and Yorkshrre, 344 4 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 791 80 79' London and North-western, 1081 ; London and South-western, 55 41 1 Midland, 321 ; Ditto 50/. Shares, 91 106; North British, 511 ; North Staffordshire, 136 ; South-eastern and Dover, 14'131 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, In I; Ditto Extension,8-1, York and North Midland, 14 131 146; East Indian, 74 ex interest; Pans and Rouen, 61. per Cent Console 96 I Danish per Cents 76 8 Ditto for Account 96 Dutch 24 per Cents

3 per Cent Reduced 97 Ditto 4 per Cents 57


881 91 31 per Cents 981 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 29f 906 Long Annuities 81 4 Peruvian 6 per Cents 814 2

Bank Stock 212 214 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 . 334 41

Exchequer Bills 67 70 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 86 8 India Stock 267 70 _Russian 5 per Cents 110 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 90 2 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 171 Bekian 41 per Cents 91 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37 1 • iMan 6 per Cents 99 101 Yenezness 32 4 Danish A per Cents 99 101


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 92, for the week ending on Saturday, the 13th day of July 1850.


Notesissned £30,040,080

Government Debt


Other Securities


Gold Coin and Bullion 16,624607

Silver Bullion 219,3641




Proprietors' Capital


Government Securities, (in-

Rest 3,149,011 cluding Dead WeIghtAnnuityl .C11,294,3E4 Public Deposita 6,099,407 Other Securities 10,622,279 Other Deposits 11,363,019



Seven Day and other


Gold sad Silver Coin


£30,387,168 £35,527,148

• Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks.Comadasioners of National Debt, &DitidendAccts.