20 JULY 1901, Page 21

Australian Federation. By Sir John A. Cockburn. (Horace Marshall and

Son. 25. 6d. net.)—Sir John Cockburn, who is introduced by a preface from the pen of Sir Charles Dunce, has collected in this volume certain articles which he has written, and speeches which he has delivered, on the subject of Australian Federation. The speeches go back to June 10th, 1834, for Sir John has been long interested in the movement. He has progressed in his views. His first plan was that of a Federal Council ; this has been superseded by that of a Commonwealth. We need not say that this is a highly interesting volume; it may, however, be as well to warn the reader in the Old Country that he will find some things which may surprise him. At the last meeting of the Convention (February, 1393) we find Sir John Cockburn speaking "in favour of State bounties on exports."