20 JULY 1929, Page 21

The Proposed, Super - Bank I no not know how far bankers

will-agree with me when I put forward my view- that': at the present time we are suffering from a good deal of mental lethargy. There would, I think, be few who would be disposed to challenge the statement that we are living in stirring and also-in difficult ,AS regards financial and economic problems, Europe was never !` up against " a more diffickdt position than the. one in ,which she finds herself to-day, and furthermore, the strain on country as the leading financial centre Of- Europe is particularly severe. And yet, when it comes to considering and discussing the precise character of these prOblerns, and the policy which, as- a great monetary centre, we should pursue, we seem to he content to leave the shaping of this policy in just a few handS, with very little in the way. of intelligent criticism, either of a destructive or constructive- nature. •