20 JULY 1974, Page 5

Homosexuality and the church

Sir: No doubt there are still plenty of people like Mr Chowdharay-Best who will go burbling on about what St Paul and other heroes of ancient and sacred texts are alleged to have said or thought about homosexuality. However, I must speak for millions when I say that I am not only not a Christian but can see no good reason for maintaining that this country is any longer, to any significant extent, a Christian country, and that consequently the opinions of Christians, the fulminations of St Paul and the question of what David was or was not supposed to have done to or with Jonathan are alike irrelevant. As for anal intercourse, it is, I am told, still technically against the law (although I am assured on reliable authority that one is no longer hanged for sheep-stealing), but how Mr Chowdharay-Best knows that it has been "rightly regarded as abhorrent by most civilized men throughout the ages" I cannot even begin to imagine. Dr Alex Comfort's new book on sex has been praised by a well-known authority as the best book on sex ever written; it contains some excellent words of advice on the ancient and delicate practice referred to above.

R. W. Maxwell 22 Beaumont Street, Oxford.