20 JUNE 1835, Page 15


PetrrrrAT. FOON11■11/.

enIonization, particularly in Southern Auctralia. With some Itemaiks on Small Faints and Ovor.Population. Ily !'Moue! Chalks J. Napier, C B.. T. and Mune. ' 11AI11.s.

.10,11 ual of a Vh.it to Coustantiouph., and some of the Greek 1-lands, in the Spring

and Summer of 1833. Ily John At.Idio, F.G.S., Author of " tho Ascent ..f

Mont Blanc.' A anriwan and ea. Scandinavian sk..telio.4; or a Tour in Norway. By Lieutenant Breton..R.N. A.,thar .4" Esc. r, ions is New South Walt,," ac. J Buhn, pa 4r rtr't, SrTI.Nelc, 1101, To 011,ers,•. Geology. ny It. T. ne La Beebe, I7.11.S. With an hundred and thirty-eight Wutal cuts Kni9M, Now. Fart,: regarding the Lire of Sliak..peare. In a Letter tr. Thnma. Artiot,

Pit , Tteasu tor of Ow society of A ot.itaties, front .1. Pay no Collier. F.S.A . Rude(.

MN r!, NI.or l.rryakrl,

ceitocus of the Table-Talk tf the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 102 vols. Merray.