20 JUNE 1835, Page 7

nweting was Iss 1.1 at I lassreeol on the Nth

instant, and a petition in favour of the t 'orposetion 1 :elision Bill wa; adopted. The inecting zitzende,i by all the Relit:niers of Liverpool, and,

aitogethi r, by about ei;!lit thou-mid :!:,.

ilefisres .oeeiatioes: lave 'wen b. :1 at South Alolton for Ninth 0,e:or-II:se, hod at I.:xeter tor atait 1),:%onzhire ; also at Bud.. min fur East Cornwall.

1 meeting is to be bcld at SI:cilicbl to-day to estabLsli a Reform assswiatises.

The Reformers are an the alert its lemeaster. They lave established an a;sosiation " ter prevent, counteri,ot, and expose all atteayts to in- timidate or curnnpt (lectors."

On l'ittlr-tae Week, time I 1c formers of Cambridge gave Professor lIcrislow a public (limier and a rivet. of plate, in testimony of their gratitude for his exertion; in convieting certain 'Kitties of bribery and corruption at the last election for that borough.

Tories had a large dimmer-party at Et:define:, yesterday week. The Duke of Biteeletiell and Lord IIrialcuell were the great men of the day. Mr. 'I'. 1'. Afinisull was in the chair.

The I'muNton illironicle contains at letter from Lard Stanley to Sir Thomas fleshed], on the subject of the North Laneashire Conserva- tive Association. Lord Stanley denies the utility and condemns the volley of forming t'onservative ('lair-, in very derided language. He t.eetin. 111,0 to feel a little sore at the supposition, implied by the orga- nization of the Soviety, that the f.'onservatives (if North lemcitshire

are not represented as they ought to he by himself and Mr. Patten-

,. \t-al, regard to Gn91n 1.1licashile especlolly. 1.'t me ask. is the cogent ne- y which calls tlor t he tolinat ion of it 7,14•1.•1 Are your ubjeets general, or ioeit? local-if this be iiiteea of the e.m•titoeitey of North Laneashire, for t br 1.11.p inytessitig or eii:ar.11,: ird ni its.-•• evlw :LW I!1•• orgoti4 by which their seolino•te. age mole 1:wo‘o 4411.44.111.1 pith, the Legislature- natuely. their (*minty Menihers. the views e. hie!. are .ot forili iu ', en first resolution, 1 ask to %%Walt of us, iay Itonottrahle colleag,a• or nty,,411.. is this hint ? of us is supposed to require it which or II: the 1101.1,,ary coo. nexion heiween the 1,,.!,11,1i,bel Church and the State, the just prerogatives of the Monarch, the privilege: of the I louse of Look as an hi lepenoent laanell of t he Legis- lature. and the &liberal ive power of the Co:moons Mc's,. of ParliAnwlit ithrotteted and inuantlaollea? For my uwu part, rattle trier), birth, position iu socie:y, principles. pre- jinlices. if you nil], con.pire to induce ine to lend earlt and an or these my constant and unflinching support: tom, so far torn believing them endangered. unit the excep- tion or the tir,,t, hair I heard :my one of I lieut seriously tru-sliuntgl by any considerable portion of any deliberative a-scinbly : for the first. 1 should have hopod that the part utile!' I 11:11",. taken. Ibr rtGnis wideh made, the ,ierdi,-es to is biet, 1 Lace submitted, ‘,..1 I have t inditalr.l toe, in the 4-■ es "r those %%1,0 (.0i1.4,1.. in ,pini*.n with you, front any charge of hostility or even ithlitierence to the ..Olitlelion hetWeen Church and :,ate.'

lie warns the clubbists of the inevitable consequences of the course

they are taking-

- Beware how you orritaize the whole country in such a manner that et ery max INOnht hen s■ stem st Lich should cat tblish throughout t'm country, for political oNeetti, and for permanent awl systematic exertions. two rival sets of political iiSSOChili1.11/4 en- gaged in a deadly stlaagle with eileit other for the Plaint. mince of extreme p: :staples -- &Mon ing user by joint con,eilt. at the Best onset, the ineombranee of all these who would lend themselves utsitlwt ii, the ono nor to the other, then entering mion 0 protracted (and the more nt.otrartell the 1,011.ennbiateiiil and irreetweileatile 1 warrare Id opinion. lion not do me the injustice or supposing that ti•y isms of this ques- tion are ria,kst Lv tic, consideration that 1 shwil•I intsoll In 1. art IX the latoker thrown

Overboard in the lint lama:, of el, minp tin dell, f•T ti :olio!). I it such a.

mute Id affairs. puldie would has, even h ss :,ttraeii.,,, Gar we t".an It la, at p: e• sent I bold it to he art .ble distil', t:1 i!ii• t.‘" e 1.1' a rt county : you must r1.1:!,•• site if I svy diet I • lasil•I till it In. • to t le. rose of A Club self styled tither ('onset c..l ise ur I.il real, Alr• a ly, atstn air, ;mat of L, r associations are ',MIN-him,: thew-elves. hill, 11Allsled uhjcels not le-, pinnsii,le thaw ruts, to maintain the freedom a sleet iii to protect the registration ii s••tes, e prittuotee, tit these a.....lici.1111,117.. that their elIvet is ill le! to M. o. tke emitort in pieces, and to render the task o1 ins alme .t Mita, eir .ilale ; leo ti et shell', themselves nutter a 1.11tIr.II tulle's:Ty 4,1" ouu!ari',ale ie.: t• the e elikke •I vigvnis• ion or tn•soeiations similar to toms It is a laum•mat,,,, ,m,•• good is ',winked thr the attaimneot or pats' tiiiitoph hot that pant II heal y Tesponsibilitt• tt Idyl, takes the Iii,1 step powolsingstn It a 1.1.1■It.1.:.'' The letter concludes with of tliatt Collgt.I'VtifiVe Club"; me Dot urgently necessary, and tl:cri•fore hiisellievou, ;Ind likely to render

that danger real or inoritlent, alai( It as yet is distant, if not imagintoy.