20 JUNE 1835, Page 9

Lon] ]ins-1.•:1 Iota: appointed 17olotal Lindsay, the 'For); oppom tit


Captain C'. in Fireshirea to the command el the Fife shire Mi•

litia. la t-- the lint (olive in the gift of the Lurd Lich:amine, led

became v .• lov the death of lir. .1. 'I'. llope, also well known as

the ilea camlidate for llanchester, ailel for .F.iast Lothiate

This i- ' t- it: et Medi the Liberal Government is thwarted by it.

'.' also to be it. I 111,•,-: Man-tors

intend to aIi Ileforli11.1!,,, nut only of Fife-hoc, but of the center,. gin. . truckling to the Tories, it will he neees•iity fur thein to nE!: disapprobation of this appointment in it very deente el

e.sin.ssie ea_..10ilt

manner. . I !:.t:sivii (mak to receive his inl I.ord 1. :mike common cause with his supporters, or he tv II ::•.•:.

; S'Itiatish Dissenters have resolved to neemerialize

Governmet • to teireeiun the General Fast procinimeil for the 2:3ro1

of July, lov taa. teem-rod 11-iti.out this sanction the edict is

poweilo•ss ; and in lidinlaingli it seems to be tre.ited with per!.e. et contempt.