20 JUNE 1840, Page 10



The Ministerial rally proved too strong for the Tories last night. The House went into Committee on Lord Stanley's Registration Bill without a division, according to the agreement between the parties. Lord STANLEY said, that the bill made such slow progress, that it was his intention to postpone the commencement of its operation from the 9.0th of July to the 1st of November 1841.

Lord Motterrn then rose to move an amendment to the first clause, the effect of which would be to retain on the register all the voters now on it, so long as their right to remain endured under the existing law, unless by loss of qualification, or by death, or by proof of fraudulent personation, they should become disentitled to the franchise. This amendment was supported by Mr. Sum, Dr. STOCK, Mr. E. Rocas:, Mr. J. GRATTAN, Mr. PICOT, and Mr. MACAULAY. Lord STANLEY spoke in support of his own clause ; and was followed by Mr. DISRAELI, Mr. Sergeant JACKSON, Lord Pon's:ascot:la, and Sir Enwien SUDDEN. Then came the division—

For Lord Morpeth's amendment For Lord Stanley's clause 296 289

Ministerial majority

Lord STANLEY stated, that he should fix 3Iouday for proceeding with the bill.

Lord Jous Ressma. said, he should move an amendment that it be taken on some other day. The Government business ought not to be interfered with. Tin re was no reason why the Solicitor-General's Irish Registration Bill, or the English Registration Bill, should not be pro- ceeded with on Monday.

Lord STANLEY did not wish to interfere with Government business. There were two bills to be read a third time on Monday, and he did not wish to stop their progress ; but when they came to Registration Bills, then, in compliance with the agreement made, he claimed precedence for his bill.

Sir ROBERT PEEL spoke to the same effect.

The Chairman having put the question, that he should report pro- gress, to sit again on Monday, Lord JOHN Russw, moved to substitute Thursday for Monday. Lord Howie': said, that he had voted with Lord Morpetb, very re- luctantly ; but he would not support Lord John Russell in the course he now proposed to take.

Lord JOHN then agreed to postpone the decision till Monday, when he should divide the House.

Mr. O'CONNELL gave notice, that whenever a motion was made for going into Committee on the bill, he should move an instruction to the Committee.

The Chairman reported progress, to sit again on Monday.

[From the above sketch it will be seen what was done last night with Lord Stanley's Bill. There was besides a great deal of talk. Lord STANLEY called upon the Committee to discuss the bill, in the regular way, paragraph by paragraph, and not go over all the details and the principle, which had been already done usque ad nauseant. Members did not take Lord Stanley's advice. All the worn-out arguments and assertions of the previous debate were reproduced, with very little novelty of form or expression.

The right road for the house now to take, is to considef.the details of the bill, clause by clause, and try to improve it. In this view of the matter Lord Morpeth's amendment was, we think, unobjectionable i . Lord Stanley also showed discretion n submitting with good grace to the decision of the House, and engaging to proceed with his hill let the House make of it what it would.] In the early part of the sitting, Sir ROBERT PEEL asked Lord John Russell, whether an address front Sir Charles Metcalfe to the Council and Assembly of Jamaica, containing an assurance that Government approved of their proceedings, was authentic or not ? Lord Jowl Res. sum. replied, that it was; and that he was most ready to give the tribute of praise to the recent conduct of the Assembly of Jamaica. Sir ROBERT PEEL said, that had Lord Palmerston been in his place, he should have appealed to him to use the influence of the British Go- vernment on behalf of the persecuted Jews of Damascus. He fear el sonic Christian authorities had connived at proceedings which reflected disgrace on the age in which we live.

In reply to questions from Mr. PUSEY and Sir Roninur PEEL, Lord JOHN RUSSELL said be should proceed with the Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Bill on Monday week, and pass the bill this session—if possible.

Mr. G RAN TLEY BERKELEY gave notice, that on the third readin of the Colonial Passengers Bill, which stands on the Vote-paper for Mon- day next, he Should move- r' That the words British Guiana and West India Colonies' be introduced after the word Mauritius' in the several clauses proposed to be added to the hill."

In the House of Lords, Lord LYNDHURST having moved the order of the day for going into Committee on the Irish Municipal Bill, the Bishop of Ex.rren delivered a long speech against the measure ; alleg- ing that it would prove injurious to the Church.

The Duke of Wiemascsrox said, that Lord Lyndhurst intended to move amendments, which were to be printed ; and then the whole bill with the amendments was to be considered. That, he understood, was the arrangement with the Government ; and it would be much more convenient to adhere to it.

The House then went into Committee. Lord Lyndhurst's amend- ments were put in, and ordered to be printed; and the Chairman re- ported progress.

Lord ABERDEEN presented a petition from the seven suspended mi- nisters of Strathbogie, praying for the protection of the House. His Lordship earnestly supported the prayer of the petitioners; and called upon Lord Melbourne to abandon his dace flu' ?dente policy, and do something on their behalf.

After a few words from the Duke of RICHMOND, the Marquis of BREADALIIANE, Lords limmiNGTox, and BROUGHAM, Lord MEL- BOURNE stud, that the "for nioae" was not always " deice." His experience bad taught him that it was often " far less irksome, less painful, and less troublesome, to act and bring forward measures, than to abstain from doing so." He did not see how the I louse could inter- fere to give redress to the petitioners ; for whose situation he felt strongly. The petition was laid on the table.