20 JUNE 1840, Page 10

The advocates of Medical Reform are preparing to bring their

ens" before the House of Commons. In various parts of the country a.sso ciations have been formed, and the organization of the profession is in rapid progress. The Eastern Medical Association of Scotland recently held a meeting and passed resolutions in favour of the plan of Re- form pro»mlgated by the British Medical Association ; and we are in- formed that Mr. Carmichael, the eminent Dublin surgeon, and Presi- dent of the Medical Association of Ireland, has placed the munificent sum of 500/, at the disposal of that Asssociation, to forward the cause. There being no lack of money or zeal amongst the medical practi- tioners, how happens it that their bill has not yet been intriduced into Parliament ? Ask Mr. WARBURTON—he has undertaken their case, and is responsible for the delay. Session after session passes, and still Mr. WA anewrox not only does nothing himself, lint, on the dog•in-the- manger peinci ple, prevents tellers from meddling with his subject. We believe, how ever, the Medical It eformers are determined not to be much longer trilled with by Mr. WARBURTON.