20 JUNE 1925, Page 2

The debate on the Finance Bill was continued on Friday,

June 12th, when the Imperial Preference on tobacco, currants, dried fruits and wines was discussed. The amendment proposing a postponement, on which a division was taken, was lost by 184 votes including nineteen from the Labour Party who contributed some remarkable speeches, particularly Mr. Kirkwood, who expressed some excellent Imperial sentiments. They made a great point of the better conditions and pay of labour in the Dorninions than in those Eastern countries where most of the goods in question are also produced. There is no inconsistency between Socialism or Trade Unionism and Protection, none of which is concerned with freedom of exchange for its own sake. It has always seemed to be .a question of time only before Labour members would ,support Protection, each for the particular trade of his own union, or as at Nottingham, of his own constituency. The Finance Act was again taken on Monday when the Income and Super Taxes were discussed, and on Wednes- day when the Government announced a remission of the new Estate Duties on agricultural land.