20 JUNE 1931, Page 30

Do elephants lie down to sleep ? What is a

lion's spur ? Are hyenas hermaphrodites ? Those who want to -invent

new Just So Stories will find their material in Captain H. C. Brocklehurst's Game Animals of the Sudan (Gurney and Jackson, 21s.). Nor will the more serious minded be dis- appointed, as the author has made the most of his unrivalled knowledge and served it up lucidly and simply. It is full of the most interesting matter, and concludes- with a -chapter - on " Vital Shots," the preparation and preservation of trophies, kit, and so on. - The chapter on native hunting is confined to the north, and when we think of whaling his strictures on the cruelty of native methods of hunting the hippo are too severe. He might haVe mentioned that Grant's gazelle are often so tame that they graze in company with Topotha goats right up against their villages. The illustra- tions are excellent, but the map is not up to date and contains several misprints. A misprint on page 71 should be corrected in another edition, " West " being written in error for " East" It was a mistake to give incomplete lists of native names for animals, many of Ahem incorrectly transcribed.