20 MARCH 1830, Page 5

EAST INDIA MONOPOLY.—We have received a long letter from Mr.

Buckingham, in refutation of a very absurd rumour, that he had been bought off by the East India Company. Mr. Buckingham is giving, daily, the best sort of negative to this falsehood, in his public lectures against the monopoly. He is to deliver a gratuitous lecture on Wednesday evening, at the Crown and Anchor.

BREACH or PRIVILEGE.—We entertain very strong fears for the safety of the proprietors and conductors of our worthy contemporary the Morning Herald. They have published a letter from Henry Hunt, tending to compel

the members of the Common Council of London to do what without the letter it is implied they would not do. The case has been noticed in a meet- ing of that worshipful body, and Mr. Figgins has declared that it amounts to a breach of their privileges ! He made, indeed, no motion on the subject, but that was in the tender mercy of Mr. Figgins. Every Common Council- man may not be so lenient ; and what will our contemporary do if called up to the bar of the Mansionhouse for breach of privilege ? We know what the Commons House can do in such a case, but what is the Commons House to the Common Council ?

A SERIOUS THREAT.—At a meeting which took place in Dublin this week, for the purpose of petitioning against the abolition of the office of Lord Lieutenant, Mr. Lawless distinctly stated, that if the Scotch phi- losophers carried that measure, he would abjure his allegiance ! Whether Mr. Lawless's rebellion is to be displayed in a descent on Argyleshire, or a , blockade of the Firth of Clyde is not known ; but we hope the philoso- phers will, in the bill, provide sufficient indemnities, in either case, to their justly alarmed countrymen. Munncit on THE then SEAL—At the close of an investigation before the City coroner, yesterday evening, a verdict of wilful murder was found, against Daniel Wilson, master of the Armenia of Belfast, for producing, by blows and a long-continued course of ill-treatment, the death of one of. the sailors of the Armenia, named John Smith.