20 MARCH 1841, Page 14


ACCORDING to the Globe, the father of Master Joao; affirms that overtures were made to him on the part of Government, to place his son, at the expiry of his confinement in the House of Cor- rection, on board of a man-of-war, with a prospect of an appoint- ment in the Colonies. The question suggested by this story is,. whether the service on board a man-of-war and the promotion in the Colonies were intended as an addition to Master Jones's pu- nishment, or as a reward for his ingenuity in penetrating into. Buckingham Palace. His mother's refusal to allow her son to be " borne from her" looks as if she considered it an additional pu- nishment ; but perhaps it may have been merely maternal vanity, thinking the advancement inadequate to her son's deserts. The difficulty is pregnant with suggestions to thought. Perhaps Govern- ment, with an opium war on hand, think a Don Juan sort of educa- tion—teaching a youth " how to scale a fortress or a nunnery "— the best training for naval heroes. Perhaps Sir Jona CAM Hon,. HOUSE thinks a residence in Tothill Fields Bridewell as auspicious a commencement of an official, as one in Newgate has sometimes proved to a Parliamentary career. Perhaps Mr. MACAULAY sympathized with an irruption into Buckingham Palace, so like his own inroad into Windsor Castle. Or it may be on the other hand, that Lord JOHN RUSSELL, desirous of experimenting on the efficacy of secondary punishments, intends to try the corrective effi- cacy of sentencing men to official employment in the Colonies. The Navy must feel flattered by the implication that the eleves of Tothill Fields academy are best qualified for that service ; and the colonists must hail with joy the prospect of having convict-govern- ment substituted for convict-slavery. It was thought pretty strong in Lord MELBOURNE to resume office merely to keep his footing in the Palace ; but to bestow appointments in the Colonies upon lads merely for forcing their way into it, is stretching the principle still further. One thing is certain, that if appointments in the Colonies are to be had for breaking into Buckingham House, her Majesty may expect plenty of visiters.