20 MARCH 1847, Page 11



The English Stock Market evinced considerable firmness on Monday, and

prices advanced nearly .1 per cent. There was a decline on Tuesday, when, at the usual hour for making his purchases on account of the Sinking-fund, the Government Broker announced that he had none to make, having been supplied from the Savings-banks. The same course was adopted on the Wednesday: a. sale of Three-and-a-quarter per Cent and Long Annuities, on the part either of the Savings-banks or the Bank of England, added to pressure and increased the gloom of the market, forcing prices down to nearly the lowest recent level. The purchases on account of the Sinking-fund were resumed yesterday, and in the afternoon some influential buying occurred; by which the improved quota- tions of Monday were restored; the closing prices of Consols for Account being 8E4 #. This morning, when the arrangement between the Emperor of Russia and the Bank of France became known, a further improvement occurred; the first price of Consols for Account being 894. A reaction has since taken place; and after falling to 89, the closing puce is 89 *. The Scrip of the New Loan, which had been as low 1# discount, today rose to premium, and closes about par.

. The usual half-yearly meeting of the Bank proprietary, held yesterday, was re-

markable for the defeat of the Directors, who opposed a motion for the declara- tion of a bonus of 1 per cent in addition to the usual dividend of 34. Though the resolution awarding the bonus was carried, the bonus has not been formally declared, as that cannot be done until the sanction of a ballot has been obtained. The Stock, which is now shut, was yesterday done at 206 for Account, and has today reached 207.

A notice has been received from the India House stating that the Directors of the East India Company have determined to raise the interest upon their Bond Debt from 3 to 31 per cent. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been very unimportant, and prices have but slightly varied from those of last week. A better tone has been given to most of the current varieties today, but no transactions requiring special re- nut& have occurred.

The prices of the principal Railway Shares have been upon the whole well sup- ported • and the market has been firmer than might have been expected, consider- mg the heaviness of the English Stock Market. Today we notice more or less improvement in almost every variety. London and North-western are quoted at 179, an advance of 4/. from the lowest price of yesterday. The others are at a Pr foliate improvement

WiretFrench Shar: have all been much depressed; but since yesterday an ad- vance varying from 5s. to 11. has occurred in most of them. The greatest acti- vity has been manifested in those of the Great Northern line; which from 44 pre- mium yesterday have today risen to 54 premium. The monthly circular of Messrs. Prime, Ward, and Co, of New York, dated 27th February, and received by the Cambria, speaks of the American Stock mar- ket as continuing to improve. The portion of the loan of 23,000,000 dollars is- sued in the shape of six per cent Treasury Notes2 payable two years, after date, with the privilege of conversion during that period Into a six per cent stock at i

par redeemable in twenty years, was current at 2 premium. Only 5,000,000 dol- lars had been issued at par; and biddings for the remaining 18,000,000 will be re- ceived till the 10th April,--this period having been chosen in order to give Euro- pean capitalists an opportunity of making tenders. Money was in demand at an interest of from 6 to 7 per cent upon good security. Most of the bullion recently imported from Europe had been absorbed by the Sub-Treasury ; and, at the low rate of the exchange, viz. 4.4. to 6 premium, it was expected that the importa- tion of the precious metals would continue.


The decline in Paris, on Thursday, has produced a corresponding movement in

our market. The first price of Consols, both for Money and Account, was 89; being 4 per cent below the dosing price of yesterday. Immediately upon the commencement of business a general disposition to sell became apparent, and its effect has been to force the price down to 88*. A slight reaction has since oc- curred, and Consols, both for Money and Account, are now 881 89. The Scrip of the new Loan is 4 discount. Bank Stock has been done at 2051 for Account. There is no change in the prices of any of the Foreign Funds. The transactions in Railway Shares have been of a limited character, and we can as yet only notice the following; it will be seen that where comparison can he made the prices of today are lower than those of yesterday: Great North of England (New), 594; Ditto Ditto, 301 Shares, 57; Ditto, Ditto, 151. Shares, 18 ; North-western, 178; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 184; Ditto, 10/. Manchester and Birmingham, 74; South-western, Consolidated Tenths, 534; Ditto, Ditto, Scrip, 4; Manchester and Southampton, 14; hliclland, 1164; Ditto, New 501. Shares, 5# 4; Ditto, Birming- ham and Derby, 90; Norfolk, 136: North Staffordshire, 8; Shropshire Union, I. dis.; York and Newcastle, 35; Ditto, New, 134 4; Ditto, and North Midland Ex- tension, 364; Northern of France, 13#.


The English Stock Market presents a firmer appearance than it did in the morning; the closing price of Consols, both for Money and Account, being 89h. The disposition to purchase during the afternoon has been as prevalent as the contrary one to sell was at the commencement of business. Transactions have been prolonged after the usual hoar of closing the Stock Exchange, and at half- past two clock there were buyers of Consols at 89# for Account. '

o' No change or

business of importance has occurred in the Foreign Stocks. The Railway Shares are slightly firmer: in some instances the prices of yesterday have been realized, as will be seen by inspection of the subjoined list of bargains actually occurring. We have also to notice transactions in Cobre Copper Mines at 24; London and Westminster Bank at 16; and Australasian Bank at 22—the latter being an advance of 34 upon the transactions of a few weeks ago, when business was transacted at 184. Caledonian, 274; Eastern Counties, 1947) 4; -Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 234; Great Western, Half-shares, 66; Ditto, Quarter- shares, 174 4; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 264; London and- North-western, h-weetern, 178 9 74; Ditto, Qaarters, 184; London and Brighton, 534 4 1; London and South-western, 634 4; Midland, 1164 174 118; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 9D; Scottish Central, 23; South-eastern and Dover, 374; Ditto, New, No. 4, 44 4; Boulogne and Amiens, 16#; Dutch-Rhenish, 44; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 134; Louvain I la Sambre, Constituted, 14 1; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 61; Cobre Copper Mines, 24; London and Westminster Bank, 16; Australasian Bank, 22.

3 per Cent Consols 891 Danish 3 per Cents 87 9 . Ditto for Account 89/ Dutch n per Gents 581

3 per Cent Reduced shut Ditto 4 per Cents. 911 2

31 per Cents shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 211 2

Long Annuities shut New Grenada 19 20 Bank Stock .. • • for Account 2851 61 Portuguese New 5 p. CM 1841 33 4 Exchequer Bills par 3 prem. Peruvian 38 40 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 109 110 Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 8 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 221 31 Belgian 41 per Cents 95 7 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34 1 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 40 2 Venezuela 38 40

Chilton 6 per Cents 93 5


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 13th day of March 1847.


Notes issued £24,786,340 Government Debt .. ..... 111,1:15,100

Other Securities . ....... 2,9,1900

Gold Coin and.Bunien 9,937 918 Silver Bullion ',548,392 --- A:24,766,340 124,786,340 BA/MIMI DEPARTMENT.

135,566,052 125,366,032

- Including Eva] eqner. Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt& Dividend Accounts.

Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Rest 3,962,288 Public Deposits* 6,716,162 Other Deposits 9,536,137 Seven Day and other-Bills 799,465

Government flasutitleS, (Ls-

eluding Dead WeillistAnnuity4,11,900,070 Other Securities 17,358,712 Notes 5,554,140 Gold and Silver Coin MAN