20 MARCH 1852, Page 11



In the English Stock Market, Consols are 1 lower this morning, being 981 for Money and Account. This is chiefly caused by lower prices from France. In the Foreign Market, there is little doing except in Buenos Ayres Stock, which is again lower, being quoted 74 77. In the Share Mar- ket, there is no new feature at present.

SATURDAY Two o'Ccocit.

In the English Market, Consols are rather better, and leave off 981 1 for Money and 98,1 1 for the Account. In Foreign Stocks there is little altera- tion, except in Buenos Ayres ; which has been as low as 68, but leaves off 69 71.

In the Share Market, a large business has been transacted in Railway lines, which have been very firm—Aberdeen, 121; Bristol and Exeter, 90; Cale- donian, 181; Eastern Counties, 81; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 28k; Great Northern, 191; Great Southern and Western (Ireland,) 35k; Great West- ern, 88; Lancaster and Carlisle, 78; Lancashire aud Yorkshire, 721; Lon- don and :Blackwell, 71; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 961; London and North-western, 12.01 ; London and South-western, 86k; Midland, 63; North British, 71 ; Scottish Central, 15_1; South-eastern, 21; York, New- castle, and Berwick, 181; Northern of France, 211; Orleans and Bordeaux, 131; Paris and Rouen, 271; Paris and Strasbourg, 211; Rouen and llavre, 111; Tours and Nantes, lot.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account

95 4

954 1 Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 61 95 2 6 3 per Cent Reduced shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 321


si per Cents

shut Peruvian 6 per Cents 105 6 Long Annuities shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.. 341


Rank Stock shut Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 97 99 Exchequer Bills 66 69 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 112 14 ex d.

India Stock shut

Ditto 44 per Cents

1021 34 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish (Active) 5 perCents. 25 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 91 93 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 43 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 7 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents 1851 19 f Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian Bonds 92 34 Ditto 3 per Cents 78 80


The English Stock Market has presented much greater buoyancy during the present week than was observable in the last, and the investments and general dealings have been on a larger scale. On Monday, the publication of the decree for the conversion of the French Five per Cent Rentes to 4. per cent was productive of a favourable influence on prices generally, and Consols advanced per cent. On Tuesday there was a farther improvement of 1. The opening price on Wednesday was a shade lower; but the market afterwards became very firm, and rose ; which was followed by a trifling reaction. On Thursday there was no alteration, and little doing. Today the market has been 1 lower; which it has since recovered. India Stock has advanced this week 2 per cent; and Exchequer Bills ls. There was no al- teration in Bank Stock for the opening yesterday, after the results of the half-yearly meeting became known. A "dividend of 4 per cent, free from Income-tax, was proposed and carried. A ballot will he taken to confirm this decision, in consequence of the rate being above that of last half-year.

The opinion regarding the conversion of the French Five per Cents is favourable to the acceptance of the terms proposed both in London and Paris; but the measure caused much surprise on Monday, from its sudden announce- ment.

In the Foreign Market, there has been considerable activity. The greatest excitement has prevailed amongst purchasers of Buenos Ayres Stock; in which an immense rise has taken placo, caused by the intelligence on Mon- day of the defeat and flight of General Roses ; and the news was of a nature generally to augur favourable anticipations for the future progress of the country. An election was expected to take place for a new President. Upon receipt of the news on Monday, the Stock improved 7 per cent, and on Tues- day and Wednesday a similar advance occurred on each day. On Thursday 'the rise was to the extent of 3 per cent. Today there hag been some realiz- ing, anti the Stock has declined about 4 per cent There has been an im- provement this week in nearly all the favourite-Seetifities ; and a rise of 1 per cent has taken place in Brazilian, Danish Fives, Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, Peruvian, Portuguese Four per Cents, and Russian. Dutch Four per Cents and Portuguese Five per Conte are 2 per cent and Sardinian 31 per cent better. Spanish Threes 1, and the Active and Deferred Threes 1 higher than last week.

At a meeting yesterday of the Spanish Bondholders cooperating with Sir John Fitzgerald's Committee, it was decided to embrace the opportunity of the conversion now going on. Mexican Stock only improved 1 yesterday licin the arrival of the Great Western steam-packet, as she only brings 74,289 dollars au-account of the dividends. the Share Market, Railway lines have partaken of the general advance, and an improvement to the following extent has taken place. Eastern Coun- lies—York, Newcastle, and Berwick—York and North Midland, 158.; Great Western, and London and South-western, 11. 188.; North Staffordshire, 78. ed.; South-eastern, 128. 6d. ; London and North-western, 3/. ; Midland, 41. ; Norfolk, 51. In Foreign Shares there has been a good demand : Bou- logne and Amiens have risen 7s. Bd.; Central of France Paris and Orleans, and Paris and Strasbourg, 11.; Namur and Liege, and Rouen and Havre, 108. ; Northern of France, and Paris and Rouen, 15s.; Orleans and Bor- deaux, 3/.