20 MARCH 1852, Page 14


Isr one of those _prose canticles on the Constitution with which Lord John Russell occasionally bathes the ear of the Commons, he alluded to some of the inconveniences of government by party ; but they were, he said —and he was consoled—" the price we pay for freedom?'

The price sometimes falls, and sometimes rises : this year it is high. Chancery Reform was promised the active concurrence of three distinguished dignitaries of the law, all men most able—Lord St. Leonard's and Lord Lyndhurst, as well as Lord Brougham. Never before has there been a prospect of obtaining so good a mea- sure, and so speedily. The measure bade fair to be better than all the measures put together which the late Ministry could have carried. But it has been said, not unplausibly, the Ministry that proposes to initiate that measure has no right to do so, be- cause . it has not yet consummated its right to act as a Ministry under the laws of party government. Thus we see the best opportunity of Chancery Reform snatched from us. It is "the price we pay for freedom."