20 MARCH 1852, Page 2

The Dictator Roses has fallen before the combined forces of

Bra- zil and the Upper States of the Argentine Confederation. He is now a fugitive on board an English man-of-war: he will probably seek an asylum in the United States. The Brazilian troops, with their allies from Entre Rios and the Banda Oriental, occupy Buenos Ayres. The real interests of the Argentine Republic and of foreign states are identical : the independence of those states and the free navi- gation of the River Plate and all its tributaries for all the etats riverains, can alone give assurance of peace. The only serious obstacle to such a settlement exists in the turbulence and igno- rance of the people of that region, and in the possibility of Bra- zil's entertaining yet undeveloped views of aggrandizement. The avowed and ostensible cause of Brazilian interference has been the obstruction offered to the free navigation of the Plate by the inhabitants of those provinces of Brazil which are situated on its upper waters : but Brazil has never explicitly renounced her claims to the Banda Oriental.