20 MARCH 1858, Page 10

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The reopening of Her Majesty's Theatre on Tuesday with the still popular Traviata attracted an audience that filled the house from the pit to the ceiling. With the present week the winter season terminates, and when operations are resumed sifter Easter the normal season will have begun. Meanwhile the public will anticipate with curiosity the debfit of Mademoiselle Tietjen, who is mentioned as a prima donna of the higher walk.


Bernard Leon, a veteran comedian once greatly celebrated, died re- cently, at the age of seventy-three years. The new drama which M. Alexandre Dumas has written for the Mar- milks Theatre is entitled lea Garden Forestiers. From the local paper, the Se'maphore, we learn that the good people of the South are astounded at the rapidity with which this work was composed. Pen was first put to paper on Sunday February 21, at 10 o'clock a. m. ; and at the same hour on the following Thursday, tho five acts, which are of more than ordinary length, were completed. However, the pudding is yet to be proved.