20 MARCH 1858, Page 10



The transactions throughout the week in the market for English Se- curities have not been of any importance ; and although there has been a daily fluctuation of per cent, the utmost variation since the commencement does not exceed per cent, the market closing this afternoon at the first prices of Monday, which were / below those of Saturday. Little inclination is shown on the part of the public to purchase, politics doubtless to a certain extent influencing the character of operations. The impending Indian Loan,

which will in all probability be immediately raised, must also have some effect on the market, and contribute to the drooping tendency of prices. Money is exceedingly cheap, the rate of interest ruling from 11 to 2-per cent. Applications at the Bank are fewer than over, with further remittances constantly arriving, so that a reduction in the Bank minimum rate is always expected. Today there has been very little stirring. Consols for Money close at 964 961, and for 8th April 964 961. Exchequer Bills, 36 40. The business in Foreign Stocks this week has been altogether of a no- minal character, prices remaining nearly without exception the same as last week. There has, however, been an increased demand for the Victor Em- manuel Mortgage Loan, the price now being 141} din. ; and,' considering that this is virtually a Six per tent debenture with five years to run, compare d with other things it is undoubtedly very cheap. Peruvian Four-and-a- half per Cent Stock is also somewhat firmer-81 82 ex div. ; the operations for the sinking-fund continuing to cause a demand. Turkish Six per Cents, 1011 1014, and the Four per Cent Stook, 104 1041. Mexican, 194 201 ; Spanish Three per Cents, 44 444; Ditto Deferred, 261 261 ; Buenos Ayres, 79 81. The attention of dealers in the Railway Share Market was chiefly confined on Monday and Tuesday to the fortnightly settling ; since then there has been occasionally considerable heaviness in sympathy with Console : the ex- treme decline in the leading lines upon Saturday's prices does not, however, exceed 1 per cent, except in Lancashire and Yorkshire, the fall in this line reaching 2 per cent—it is now quoted f 891 ; and in London and Brighton 1 per cent. In the lighter description, Caledonian. Shares have been especially heavy, a decline of 3 per cent having taken place, leaving off at 48 484, but with little activity in the market at any time. South-Eastern Shares are per cent lower-201 201. Midland Stock stands at 961 97 ; London and North-Western, 951 95f ; Great Western, 574 58; North British, 52s 534; London and South-Western, 914b9u21 ; Great Northern, 28f ; Brighton, 104 106 ; North Staffordshire 41 dia.

French Shares have not been so well supported, but quotations are not materially altered. Paris and Strasbourg, 271 274; Paris and Lyons, 321 33 ; Northern of France, 371 38/. The Indian Market, although steadier now than it has been shows little tendency to firmness, the forthcoming Loan creating dulness. East Indian, 108 109 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 21f ; Madras 201. Shares, 204 211.


This week's Bank return gives an increase in the stock of bullion of 228,9131. The Funds are a shade firmer this morning; Consols are 96/ 97. Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares are steady, without alteration 3 per Cent Consols 961 3

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced shut

New 3 per Cents shut.

Lone Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills 35 40 India Stock shut Austrian 5 per Cents 90 93 Brazilian 5 per Cents 1021 1043

Belgian 43 per Cents 99 101

Chilian G per Cents 105 107 Danish 5 per Cents 100 102 Danish 3 per Cents 83 85

Dutch 21 per Cents 651 66.

Ditto 4 per Cents 1C01 Mexican 3 per Cents 194 20 Peruvian 41 per Cents 80 N Ditto 3 per Cent 55 57 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1853 45 46 Russian 5 per Cents 109 111 Ditto 41 per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents 44 1

Ditto Deferred- 261 261

Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 93

Swedish 4 per Cents 60 83

Turkish 6 per Cents 1011 2 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 103f 43

The half-yearly Court of the Proprietors of the Bank of England was held on Thursday. The dividend declared was 51 per cent for the half-year. Some losses have been written-off out of profits, and a sum has been carried to a suspense account to meet any further losses that may occur. Some proprietors had expected a larger dividend, the rate of discount having been so high ; but it was explained that the Bank had to make sacrifices, selling Government Securities at a low price, which reduced the profits divisible. A vote of thanks was presented to the Directors for their management of the Bank during the " crisis."

It appears from the report of the Directors of the Ottoman Bank that there is a balance of profits in hand of 21,165/. ; but to meet the tendency to depreciation in the Turkish currency it is proposed to appropriate 20,0001. as a nucleus for a reserve-fund.

An attempt is to be made to place the Unity Bank in a firmer position by

making calls on the shareholders i amounting to 50,0001., thus raising the paid-up capital to 200,0001.: the first call is 51. per share-15,0001.

Messrs. Rew, Prescott, and Co. have made the satisfactory announcement that they will be prepared to pay all claims on the 31st.

Messrs. Heine Semen and Co.' who suspended with very large engage- ments in November, have reported the payment of all claims in full, with interest, and have announced that they have resumed business.

The Liverpool house of Mr. A. R. Lafone, largely engaged in the River Plate trade, has been compelled to stop, by heavy losses on hides. Lia- bilities, 100,0001. Probably the business will be resumed, as the corre- spondent of the house at Montevideo is reputed to be rich.

A bill is before the New York Legislature to make an important change in banking law : in feture the banks of the State are not to be allowed to issue notes against the security of mortgages on land,—a species of se- curity that has proved very fallacious when it has been found necessary to realize. Forty out of forty-six banks of New York have already resolved not to continue the practice of allowing interest on current deposits.

CRYSTAL ELLACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday March 19th, including season-ticket-holders, 10,236.