20 MARCH 1858, Page 21

'Of Nang.


ADMIRALTY, March 19.-Admiral of the White E. Hawker has been appointed to receive a pension of 1501. a year, as provided by her Majesty's Order in Council of 25th June 1851, vacant by the death, on the 5th instant, of Admiral the Right Hoc. William, Lord Aylmer, K.C.B. and the name of Admiral Hawker has been removed to the Reserved Half-pay List accordingly ; and in consequence of this removal the following promotions, to date the 6th instant, have this day taken place-Admiral of the Blue the Hon. Sir A. Maitland, K.C.B. K.C. St. M. and G. to be Admiral of the White ; Vice-Admiral of the Red Sir C. Napier, K.C.B. to be Admiral of the Blue ; Vice-Admiral of the White the Right Hon. Sir M. F. F. Berkeley, K.C.B. to be Vice-Admiral of the Red ; Vice-Admiral of the Blue H. W. Bruce to be Vice- Admiral of the White ; Rear-Admiral F. Grace, on the Reserved List, to be Vice- Admiral on the same List ; Rear-Admiral of the Red H. Dundas to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue ; Rear-Admiral of the White J. A. Duntze to be Rear-Admiral of the Red ; Rear-Admiral of the Blue M. Quin to be Rear-Admiral of the White ; Capt. the Hon. F. T. Pelham, C.B. to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue ; Capt. T. Bushby, on the Retired List, has also been promoted to be a Retired Rear-Admiral on the terms proposed in the London Gazette of 1st Sept. 1846, but without increase of pay. ADMIRALTY, March 13.-Corps of Royal Marines-Second Lieut. H. T. S. Davis to be First Lieut. vice Rose, resigned.