20 MARCH 1858, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) finturd. Monday. Tuesday Waimea. Thurs. Friday.

3 per Cent Consols

961 96/ 981



Ditto for Account

3 per Cents Reduced

New 3 per Cents

Lm Annuitie Annu Il ities 1883 s

Mink Stock, 11 per Cent

India Stock, 101 per Cent shut :61 shut shut shut shut shut 964 97 97



,:..chequer Bills, 214. per diem 42 pm

42 40 36 Exchequer Bonds 1839 1011

1001 ladle Bonds, 4 per Cent

0 pm


(Last 011elal Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 121.

Belgian 64 Ditto 21 - Brazilian 6 - Buenos Ayres 6 Chilian 6 - Danish 5 -

Ditto a - Dutch (Ex. 12 Ganders) 9i - Ditto 4 -

French - 991 - 104 80 108 - 84 66 101i - French 414.01. Mexican 4 3

Peruvian 41 -

Portuguese 1853 8 Russian 6 - Sardinian 5 Spanish 3 - Ditto New Deferred 8 - Ditto Passive

Turkish . . a -

Venezuela 41 -


611 ex d.

49 1101 ex d. 911 441 261 1011 83 SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) RilLwATe-Bums-

Brietol and Exeter 90 Caledonian 864 ex 4.

Cheater and Holyhead 371 Eastern Counties 57 Edinburgh and Glasgow 631 ex d.

Glasgow and South-Western .. • Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland, - 102 991 Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire 571 861 Lancaster and Carlisle 831 erd.

London, Brighten,& South Coast 105 London and Blackwell


London and North-Western.... 958 London and South-Western.... 91

Manchester, Shefileld,& Lincoln.

38 Midland


Midland Great Western (Ireland) - North British 521ex d.

North-Eastern-Berwick 901 North-Eastern-York 73 Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton


Scottish Central

Scottish Midland

South-Eastern and Dover 681 Eastern of France 271 East Indian 109 Geelong and Melbourne 191 Grand Trunk of Canada 471 Great Indian Peninsular ..... 21 Great Western of Canada ,,,, 161 Paris and Lyons 33/


Australian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey 13 Cobre Copper

Rhymney Iron



British North American 691 City 69 Colonial

Commercial of London

Engl. Scotah.& Australian Chtd London London and County 18

6781 London Chrtd. link. of Australia

London Joint Stock

1 304

London and Westminster


National Bank

National Provincial

New South Wales

Oriental 381 Provincial of Ireland 81

South Australia

291 Union of Australia

Union of London 26 Unity

Western Bank of London 31


East and West India 110 London 1041 St. Katherine 94 Victoria 991


Australian Agricultural

British American Land

Canada 148 Crystal Palace


Electric Telegraph

General Steam

National Discount London Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steam 4

4 79

Royal Mail Steam 63 South Australian 391 BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending

on Wednesday the 17th day of March 1858.

Ines DE ...... XT.

Notes Issued'

431,568,735 Government Debt £11,018,100

Other Securities 3,469,800

Gold Coin and Bullion 17,083,735

Silver Bullion




Proprietors' Capital

414 663 000 Government Securities (ineln-

Rest 3,690,992 ding DeadWeightAtmuity). £9,901,993 Public Deposita' 6,377,037 Other Securities 16,661,993 Other Deposits 13,770,139 Notes 12,347,835

Seven Days and other Bills...

879,053 Gold and Silver Coin 868,420 439,670,221 499,670,221

• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

BULLION. Per oz.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. ES 17 9 Mexican Dollars 0 5 0 • Ililver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11 METALS. Per


Copper, Brit. Cakes 4117 0 Iron, Welsh Bars.... 7 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 7 0 0 10 0 Lead, British Pig ... 25 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 22 0 0 .. 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, March 19.

Wheat,11.. 0 0 to 0 Fine 0- 0 Red, New 40 -42

Fine 43 - 46 White Old 0- 0 Pine 0- 0

New 45-49

Fine 49 to 52 ForeIgn,R 38- 48 White F 54 -56 Rye 84-86 Barley 21 -28 Malting 39 -40 Malt, Ord 57-62 Pine 83 to 66 Peas, Hog 35 - 37 Maple 37-40 White 38 -42

Blue 0- 0

Beans, Ticks 34 - 39 Harrow 39 -45

Indian Corn. 84 to 36 Oats, Feed.. 28-26 Fine .... 16- 28 Poland ... 25-28 Fine .... 28 -29 Potato.... 27-29 Fine.... 29 -30


For the Week ending March 13. Per Qr. (imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat ..... 45s. 3d.I Rye 91.. 3d. Wheat .. 45s. 3d. Rye 324. Barley.....36 6 Beans 37 11 Barley . 36 3 Beans 38 6

Oats 23 8 Peas 41 2 Oats 22 II Peas 40 10


Town-made per sack 43s. to 46s.

Seconds 36 39 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 33 - 35 Norfolk and Stockton 31 - 32 American per barrel 21 - 16 Canadian 22 - 26 Bread. 314. to 714. the 41b. loaf. PROVISIONS.

Butter-Best Fresh, 15s. 04. per doz. Carlow, 01. Os. to W. Os. per cert. Bacon, Irish per cwt. Ms. - Oa. Cheese, Cheshire, One 72 - 76 Derby, pale 66 - 74 Hams, York 74 - 86 Eggs, French, per 120,4s. 64 to 6s. 04.


NENBATZ AND LIADENBALL.• CATTLE.MANKST.• s. d e. d. s. 4. 8. d. a. d.

Beef... 3 0 to 3 6 to 3 10 .... 3 6 to 4 2 to 4 6 Mutton 3 2 - 3 8-4 4 .... 4 4 - 5 0 - 5 4 Veal... 3 8 - 4 0 - 4 8 .... 4 4 - 4 8 - 5 0 Pork .. 3 0 - 3 8 - 4 4 .... 3 6 - 3 10 - 4 2 Lamb. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 • 8 To sink the offal, per lb.


Crewel Monday. Friday.

Beasts.. 4,104 973 Sheep -16,910 1,870 Calves.. 39 217 Pigs ... 305 330 HOPS.

Weald of Kent Pockets 56s. to 70s.

Mid and East Kent ditto 70 - 120 Sussex ditto 52 - 62 Farnham ditto 0 - 0 WOOL.

Down Togs per lb. 15d. to 1614.

Half-bred Wethera 131 14 Leicester Fleeces 13 - 14 Combing Skins 10 - 12 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw HAY AND STRAW. SMITHFIELD.

Mix to 724 50 80 0 0 80 - 100 28 - 30 Per Load of 36 Trusses.) WD rime EA rec.

68s. to Me 60 - 66 0 - 0 90 - 105 24 - 30


130.. to 874.

65 - 74 0 - 0 94 - 100 30 - 34 GROCERIES.

Tea, Souehong, fine, per lb. 2s. Od. to 2s.104. Congou, One 1 10 - 2 8 Pekoe, flowery 3 0 - 4 8 In bond-Duty Is. 9d. per lb. Coffee, fine tin bond) cwt. 68s. Od. to 80s. Od. Good Ordinary 62s. Od. to Me. Od. Cocoa, Trinidad (in bond) 75s. Od. to 90s. Od. Rice, Arne. dr. Carolina.. 20s. Od. to 24s. Od, Sugar, Muscovado, average. • 28s. Old. West India Molasses.... 15s. 04. to 16s. Od.


'Kent and Essex Regents ton .160s. to170s.

Shaws 100 -120 York Regents 150 -180

Scotch „ 1,0 -130


Jamaica hum.... per gal. 4s. 10d. to lis.

Brandy, Best Brands 11 - 13 Cotton, N. Orleana.per lb 0 - 0 Saltpetre, Ref....per cwt 39 - 40 Guano, Peruvian. per ton 280 - 0 Tallow P. Y. C...per cwt 67 - 0 Town 56 - 0 Rape Oil, English refined 42 -,.. 43 Brown 39 .... 89

Linseed 011 29 - 0

Cocoa-nut Oil 89 - 42 Palm 011 37 - 39 Linseed 011-cake, per tea 205 - 0

Coals, Helton 17 - 0 Tees 0 - 0
