20 MARCH 1909, Page 18


MURDERED IRISH CONSTABLE. THE following correspondence has passed between the editor pf the Spectator and Mr. Goldrick, father of the murdered ponstable :— The "Spectator" Office, 1 Wellington Street,

Strand, W.C., Monday, March 8th, 1909, 'DRAM MR. GOLDRION,—

I write to you in the name of the subscribers to the #pectator Fund to tell you how deeply they sympathies with you sad how strong;is their 801280 of ;admiration for the courage 'and devotion to duty shown by your gallant son. He played the part of a patriot as well-as of a bravo man, and every true Irishman, as well as every Englishman and Scotchman, should feel proud of him. I am sure I am expressing the feelings of eVery subscriber! to the Fund when I say that they realise how very small a part; money considerations can play in such a-ease as this. What they want above all things is that you and your family should feel; that gallant acts like that of your Son are understood and appre- ciated throughout the United Kingdom, and will never go: unrecognised. Such deeds will always be honoured as long as Englishmen, Scotchmen, and Irishmen remain worthy of the best; traditions of their race. Your son, in his devotion to duty, was an example to every man and woman in the land.

Yours very truly,

J. ST. Los STitecnsir.

Cashel, Carrowmore, Ballina, Co. Mayo; 12th. March, 1909.