20 MARCH 1915, Page 12



[To THE EMS. or 7. 8P7C7/1708.1

Sts,—You have kindly given me permission to appeal through your columns for further assistance to the " Officers' Families Fund." The strain which the war places on officers of the Army and Navy is perhaps even now not auffieiently nudex- stood. It is particularly severe in the ease of the New Army, the officers of which are in so many instances drawn from the professional classes. These patriotic men are frequently obliged to sacrifice substantial incomes, and having little or no private means, can make no provision for their wives, children, and other dopendanta, except from their pay. In either ease the hardship is often aggravated by the expense of removals, necessitated either because the old home can no longer be retained, or because under orders from the Govern- ment the officer finds himself recalled from India or some other remote part of the Empire for service in Europe.

The " Officers' Families Fund' exists for the purpose of helping the sufferers to meet these difficulties when they arise. It also provides help in various directions, by enabling the relations of naval and military officers to obtain much-needed assistance in regard to (I) hospitality and the loan of houses; (2) medical aid, nursing homes, die, &e.; (3) education both for boys and girls; (4) clothing; (S) competent business advice.

We have every reason to be grateful for the generosity with which the public has encouraged as in our efforts; but with the vast increase in the numbers of our forces the claims on the Fund must inevitably increase by leaps and bounds, and it is idle to conceal from ourselves that our resources will be heavily taxed. We shall be deeply thankful for any help which your readers may be good enough to give ns.—I am,

[Lady Lansdowne's appeal deserves a prompt response- We are certain that she does not exaggerate in the very least. the greatness of the pecuniary sacrifices made by many of the officers of our Navy and Army—and, as she notes, especially by those of the New ModeL And nobly have they been backed up by their wives and families. Those who were going to suffer most were those who said the words that turned the scale. Such wives, such danghters, and suet mothers are among the noblest of our race. Not to aid when illness or poverty touches them would be lames indeed. We most sincerely treat that our readers will help, and tend their help quickly to Lady Lazunlowne.—En, Spectator.)