20 MARCH 1915, Page 15


[To TIES Esters or Tee essecreroa"]

Sea,—"Lanes" seems to me to express the true "inwardness" of the racing (mention when he says that we cannot imagine the French at Longchamps looking at the Grand Prix. And if it be asked why it should be more impossible for them than for m, the answer of course is that the enemy is actually on their soil, while that he is not yet on ours is the sole extenuation of the detachment of mind that can even discuss a Derby Day. Our insular safety does us many a disservice at the present moment, and it takes some of ❑s all our time to realize the war at all Is it not highly desirable that s othi❑g should be done to make it harder, or to hinder that . bracing np of the imagination which is necessary if the people of this country are really to grapple with the task before