20 MARCH 1915, Page 16


ITO mu ED.S011 or rirwerwroan Sze.—In your article of March 6th on " The • Willing 'Badge" you say: " Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington, and Lord Roberts were all wee of very small stature." As a boy I saw Hie Grace more than once, and my remembrance of him is that be was by no means a very small man. Some little time ago I came across a statement somewhat similar to yours,. and feeling sure that it was incorrect I made inquiry of a descendant of the great soldier, one who would be most likely to know the truth in this matter. From him I under- stood that the Duke of Wellington's height was over five feet ten inches. The full-length portrait now in the Magistrates' Room at the Castle, Winchester,, is not the repreaentation of •• a very small man."—I am, Sir, Ste., SAN, TY-EIG Mr. [We cannot quote an authority for the moment, but we believe it will be found that the Duke teem eery little, if at all, taller than Napoleon.—ED. Spectates.)