20 MARCH 1915, Page 18


urn ms EDITOR OF sea ••Sescrarou... J Stn,—Reading in your issue of March 6th the letter on "Commas" and the article on " Bulls," I am impelled to send you the following illustrations of these two subjects. First, as to the importance of commas. From Grant Duff's Diary, 1896-1901, Vol. I., p. 220, "A good apology ": " I said it it is true and I am sorry for it," which depends on the pauses for the meaning intended. Secondly, as to bulls. An Irish boy at a Public School, being harassed by an atlas in which the maps had a well-filled appearance, but in reality contained but few names, exclaimed in disgust: " This map is filled with names that arrest in it." This was actually said, as I happen