20 MARCH 1936, Page 20

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Snr,—In the interests of accuracy a mis-statement in the paragraph on the Tithe question, in your issue of March 6th, should be corrected. The mis-statement is that " the Church will be saved the cost . . . of collection." The Government propose deducting 5 per cent. for cost of collection: (I have now to pay 34. per cent. for the collecting.) You say the Church will be ill-advised to oppoSe it," but perhaps i Lot altogether unreasonable in seeking some modifica- tion I TI • complacently aloof tone of your paragraph rather • pricks., r who will suffer an annual reduction of over EGO on a tithe :acme of £308. • It is well-nigh Gilbertian, but nevertheless a fact, that although my income will be quite considerably lessened my Income Tax will be increased. This fact might have .had some